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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. He doesn't need to edit any posts though, just needed to have one which was 'new to trials, what would be a good first bike?' and then just add all the random eBay links from there. Note to gibbo8888: Please don't make a thread called 'new to trials, what would be a good first bike?'.
  2. T-Pro I think. Now please just go and buy a bike! Every time I come in here there's a new 'What do you think of this bike?', 'I've finally got a bike... except I haven't', 'Should I buy this bike?' thread...
  3. Needs some 01 and General Lee stickers on it... Agree that the forks and seat don't quite look right on it... Love the colour though!
  4. Boy do you know how to get your point across . Bravo.
  5. Have you checked behind the fridge? Sounds like the microphone won't have a normal slotted aperture to let the sound in due to the waterproofing so it's never going to be great.
  6. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but you're saying you find Herr.Wolfkatze sexually attractive? You should be proud of yourself coming out like this in a public forum... very proud.
  7. LOLZ at the poll results... Glen currently winning with 102.45% of the votes. Now that's impressive.
  8. Sorry, my comedy vote's already gone to Glen .
  9. How has this thread been turned into the gayest thing since Dale Winton? A poll for sexiest male member of a virtually male only forum? Now that's just fucking weird.
  10. Disc mounts will always be on the left. All trials bikes have the drive (cranks etc) on the right hand side so having a disc on that side is not possible.
  11. There's really no point. Glen will win for sure.
  12. Against Glen?! Not a chance in hell.
  13. Or is it an anagram? Prize for the most comedy anagram of Karsonlevoret...
  14. Well that's me convinced. Sorry but it's true- if I sent you an email saying I was a Nigerian prince who had £12 million which you were welcome to a share of but I needed your bank details to transfer you some of the money to keep it from militants trying to overthrow my regime... would you believe me too?
  15. But there are so many to choose from...
  16. I do expect the opportunity to digest said username origin one day... monkeyseemonkeydo - T-F's biggest religion hater and faith shooterdownerer? AKA T-F's lost soul...
  17. If that's the case and he was unaware of the damage (possible I guess) I would say that a goodwill gesture of like £20 refund or something would be the best I'd expect... Certainly worth getting in touch with him and see what he says about it though. With regards the front lever I can't see the crack you mean, looks more like marks from where the snapped part of the clamp has rubbed at some point or the damage caused when the clamp actually snapped when it came into sharp contact with something like a brick wall! However, I'm sure you know what you're talking about Matt so I'll take your word that's it's unusable.
  18. Can you get away with running the front brake? As it's not stripped does it actually clamp down? As for the rear brake do you think it was snapped already and just pushed/superglued back on or was it on it's last legs and failed when you tried to use it?
  19. It's purely down to the brake setup. Because the Rip comes with a 20" rear rim the brake bosses are welded to be in the correct place for that rim. If you changed to a 19" rim there's a chance you won't be able to set the brake up properly and the pads may not hit the rim properly. It's a gamble basically.
  20. Quote on group ride overheard by a member of the public: "Oh yeah, I've been riding Manly Asses for the past six months. I love Manly Ass; they're far stiffer and stronger than anything I've ridden before and last for ages."
  21. What's the best bet for parking in Bournemouth?
  22. Phew. So glad you felt the need to share this thread with us all. I can now sleep at night... Muppet.
  23. Pleeeease let Craig deal with the colour schemes and graphics of the upcoming Onza frames! He's now trained in the art of branding so listen to him!
  24. Were they actually new or is he now just clearing out his bedroom? Might try ordering some grips to see if I get an Xbox or something... It's almost like a lucky dip!
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