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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Damn you guys are good! I did not see that coming... So how many people are shitting themselves waiting for the postie?!
  2. They look like kids bikes with those stupid seat and bar/stem setups. And that first Adamant... I think I actually threw up a little bit .
  3. Matt's pretty tall... 1150 is huuuuge though!
  4. Fair enough . Sounds like a good price to me. What about servicability and spares?
  5. Shouldn't laugh but . I'm Scottish so we don't do A-Levels. Our uni entrances were done on Highers at the time (proper Highers, none of this modular crap they do today) and I got 5 A's. So there .
  6. Considering the way A level and GCSE pass grades have been improving in recent years, I don't reckon there's much any of you have to worry about... I'm guessing 102% of candidates will receive an A*-C grade this year. Edit: Followed closely by a marking scandal in which a 5 year old who's watched the Simpsons points out that it's impossible for more than 100% of candidates to pass at which point the universe may implode. Edit 2: Ok, so what do you have to do to get a 'U' grade? Is that if you only write your name on the paper but spell it wrong? Edit 3: Good luck peeps .
  7. Excuse my ignorance but what the f**k is an MPP, MMM or DMM? What the f**k happened to A's, B's, C's etc? What the f**k does that mean? Has everyone gone f**kin' nuts? What the f**k happened to that guy's head?
  8. The main difference I can see between BMX and trials setups is the material though... Pressing bearings into a steel shell you're fairly safe that you won't damage the shell much and it would take lots of BB changes to show any real wear on the shell itself. Trials frames are traditionally made of fairly soft aluminium and when you start shoving a hardened steel bearing race into that you're going to run a very real risk of damaging the shell and causing major problems surely? Definitely interested to see what else Deng's got in the pipeline though...
  9. To be honest, your best starting point is to look at something like these and take it from there. Setup is reasonably personal but any of those would give you a very sweet setup straight away depending on your budget. Would be happy to answer any other questions .
  10. Shoulda just superglued it yourself. It's what it was designed for after all!
  11. That had to be a dare?... What did you win?!
  12. Yeah sorry, I only had my shirt off for about half an hour... honest! Yes it was the Netley Marsh steam rally thing. The Waterside motorcycle trials club usually put on a demo and the past 3 years we've had some cycle people around too to play. Edit: Few more pics from Facebook.
  13. Huh? It's my party and I'll cry if I want to... Nope, you lost me!
  14. I don't get why you need to wait for them to arrive before deciding on an RRP... is that how all Onza products are priced? On a whim when you see them in the flesh? 'Umm... think we'll charge... £314.99 for this frame .' Not having a dig and from what I've seen (and heard) of Scott's proto's the freewheel should be pretty immense but considering you've obviously paid for the design, tooling, manufacture and shipping surely you have an RRP to charge to recoup the costs while turning a profit? On a side note, will spare parts be available for the freewheels? I like being able to service my ENO and replace any bits as and when necessary (not that I've had to).
  15. And here was me thinking you were good. Sheesh.
  16. Nice one! Quality is really good and you captured the ride well . Cheers for uploading!
  17. I never go to the hospital. Or the doctor. It took me about 48 hours to convince myself that something was really up when I broke my scaphoid and chipped the end of one of the bones in my arm. Hospital's are full of depressing, ill and often drunk and violent people. The thought of spending 4 hours in A&E with a cut on my chin for them to turn around and say 'well, to be honest there's nothing we can do except clean it with some antiseptic wipes and stick a plaster on it.' doesn't really make me want to go either!
  18. What about the: ? Is that all really necessary?
  19. Pump up the tyres you've got a bit more? I don't really see the need for lower profile tyres or why it would give you more power. If Benito can do what he does with normal tyres I reckon the rest of us can just about cope!
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