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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I thought we'd just been hit by the Random Hedgehog or maybe the Madness Hamsters...
  2. Plus OTN is full of complete 'tards. And I don't just mean because the majority are American either...
  3. monkeyseemonkeydo


    I don't think you're cut out for UE...
  4. Speaking of which a friend of mine introduced me to 'In the Night Garden'. Man is that some drug induced crazy shit... In the timeless words of Dexter Holland 'I know this shit is f**ked up'. Timeless.
  5. It's so fugly though! I started watching that video on MCN the other day and when they showed the bike I had to look away so I didn't have to wash my eyes out with acid!
  6. I personally run an ENO and like the sealed bearing and rebuildability of the freewheel. However, having had a play with Scott Wilsons bike sporting the (proto) Tensile 96 freewheel I would be tempted to give one a go in the future. They sound nuts with the only negative I can find being the open bearings but then again if you look after it that shouldn't be a problem. They're also fully rebuildable and RRP is only £44.99 I think so pretty bargainous to boot.
  7. Americans... Seriously, that'd feel a tad low on a 26" bike. On 24" you must have zero power...
  8. They used to offer the Vario with an Ashton/moto style seat/mudguard thing and I soooo wanted one back in '99 or so...
  9. Deng always just throws all his bits on bikes for the promo shots. Does he do much testing at all?
  10. . Not the bikes themselves, just the stupid looking setups he's used.
  11. Most of the people on here are like 15-16. To them anything over 20 is ancient. So yeah, 35 is just insanely old...
  12. I hear they're mainly Welsh down that way... Tends to result in the worlds most insanely f**king annoying patriotism known to man.
  13. The only issue is the soft aluminium lockring which gets mullered over time. I don't use a pin spanner (had one but it was the wrong size...) so I always use needlenose pliers but my lockring looks like it's been mauled by a miniature lion.
  14. Hey guys, just another quick update. Went to see Terry this afternoon and he's still doing fine and on the mend. Working back to health slowly and seems to be doubling the recommended exercise times much to Hazel's distress! He went down to Bournemouth beach on Wednesday and I think was very glad to get out of the house. He wanted me to thank everyone for their kind messages and all the cards he's received. He's been genuinely touched by the amount of people who have been asking after him and thinking of him.
  15. Brilliant! Always love watching Mike ride. For want of a better phrase it always seems to be fully 'balls out'! Looks like you had a really good trip too- I really ought to make the effort to do something like that but between being rubbish at finding time and being a bit lazy I dunno if it'll ever happen... Anyhoo, awesome vid!
  16. Oh get over it. Your question was answered in the first few posts so whatcha complainin' about?!
  17. Wowowow... what did that say before the edit? PM me if it was amusing...
  18. That's the problem though, the sites are pretty much 100% legal. They're not daft. And so long as the sites remain legal and functioning people will continue to download, it's inevitable.
  19. Come on, you're not exactly Douglas Bubbletrousers are you?! You three are still seeing it from the outside to some extent. Ok you're far more into it than I am but I still believe that if the artists were the ones complaining things may change. While they're apparently not giving two shits and are happy with the money they're making people will continue to steal music. Of course the other side of it is that it is way too easy to steal music. Surely it's easy for the fraud squad to track down the big players who're sharing hundreds of thousands of illegal tracks rather than trying to scare everyone who leaches the odd album to see what it's like.
  20. But in this day and age do sites like Myspace and Facebook not make life much easier? Invite all your friends, they invite some random people and with a bit of luck you may end up with a hardcore following. If you're really good, people will know about you. You start by playing little local venues, maybe get the odd slightly bigger gig off of that. You're not telling me that every successful artist out there funded their own first recordings and album production so they could get themselves out there? You certainly don't need to mass produce your own CD album to let people hear what you can do. At worst they record what they do in the best way they can (be it mic recording, camcorder or whatever) and get it to as many people as possible. Otherwise they could scrape together and book an afternoon at a small recording studio and go from there. You're calling people like Simon Cowell dumb? Yes people put money into new bands who have that something special. Every artist out there was a gamble of some sort to begin with surely?
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