Was that suicide though? Seemed a little odd the way it went down. That guy was crazy though- the Matterhorn 'flight' was just nuts- he must've been so bloody close at a few points down there!
1) They were f**king amazing. 100x better than the pants that was in the 'world championships' crap in London. 2) Were those basketball shots for real? How many takes?!! 3) That poor puppy! Awesome.
Kidding I presume Mr Abbey? He said that every single line in the video took hours and hours of attempts to get right. Consistency is never going to be easy to achieve when you're pushing the boundaries of what's possible with things people have never tried before.
But it's still unfortunate, shall we say, that the Effect has been advertised as being 'available soon' for the past year or so. By delaying it so much they're really shooting themselves in the foot.
I don't doubt it but that doesn't help the fact that people have been awaiting the 'imminent' arrival of the Effect for months and I imagine a lot of those people are going to have decided to just go and buy and Inspired or Deng. Last I heard it was component specs on the complete's that were holding up the Ashton's but the frames should've been available for the past few months. At this rate Onza will have released a fashionable replacement for the Zoot before the final Effects land...
You gotta ask yourself what Ashton are playing at... Deng seems to have pushed these out in a few months from conception to retail. The Effects have been on the cards for years it seems and still no sign. Can't help thinking the Effect will be too late now...
Mmm. I stand by the 'bollocks' label . By the simple fact that the people knew they were there as human number generators the automatic writing thing can't work. Anyway, this is meaningless because those people had nothing to do with the 'prediction' and were probably actors anyway!
But to be fair that's all bollocks though isn't it? The pendulum thing you describe is just the way the human works. If you 'will' the pendulum to move your brain will tell your hand to make the movements necessary. However, when the subjects are told to write numbers on a bit of paper in front of them, they're going to write numbers on the paper in front of them, decided by their brain. There's nothing mystic or Ideomotor to it. So are you saying that Derren influenced the 'subjects' to make sure they wrote down the right numbers?
Oh I hope so... his face and forced smile makes me want to never eat Frosties again. Which is kinda weird. Edit: Ah well, apparently not. He's a South African kid called Sven Ruygrok who's apparently quite a good gymnast...
I'd obviously stopped paying attention at that point because what they're doing isn't even automatic writing... they're just writing 6 numbers down with their eyes closed. I don't really have an issue with Derren himself, not when he's being normal and narrating or whatever but the second another person's involved I hate the way he makes everything so deliberate and 'mystic'. I know that's probably necessary for what he's doing but it just makes him come across as an annoying arse.
Ok, so throughout that entire program, what was the significance of the snowflake? Also, that 24 people thing's gotta be BS. If that was possible (which it isn't) a computer could do it billions of times more efficiently while actually analysing the probabilities of numbers coming up rather than just randomly choosing them. That was pants.
Your explanation for anything slightly peculiar is aliens, isn't it? You lose your keys, it's aliens. A picture falls off the wall, it's aliens. That time we used up a whole bog roll in a day, you thought that was aliens as well.
Yeah, but seriously... Why would you want to go to America? It's full of bloody Americans for a start. Who voted for George Bush to be President. Twice. That's enough reason for me never to want to set foot in the place. I went to Canada for few weeks back in 2007 and we went down to Niagara Falls (had to be done). I 100% point blank refused to drive over the bridge so we could say we'd been to the US. Although I was tempted to go over just so I could use the facilities so I could say I'd shat on America...