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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I have to say that the creation story, i.e. the beginning of the bible, is one of the main reasons I could never take christianity seriously even from a young age. If it starts off with such a stupid blatantly false 'tall tale' I've never had even the slightest inkling to read any further because I know everything else from that point on is also just a work of fiction. I do agree with you that it's a comfort zone for anyone who doesn't want to think for themselves and is hence why I tend to consider religious people, probably wrongly, as rather naive and displaying a lack of intelligence. Rich always has had a way with words!!
  2. Haha, if you put it like that... However, I know that the chance of that happening is equal to me waking up tomorrow morning and finding that I can fly like Superman. I can't really take the concept seriously!
  3. Considering that possibility is just impossible(!), not unlikely or improbable, just impossible, then the scientist would do more good by banging his head against a brick wall... I'd be loathed to investigate that. I'm confident that ain't gonna happen... ever. Believe in what you want if it makes you happy but pleeeeease don't even consider creationism to be anything other than a fairy tale!
  4. Good for you . I'm glad not all Christian brain washing is successful and some people in your position are able to think about things for themselves rather than blindly following whatever they've been taught to believe. And as for the edit?
  5. Sorry, not getting at you, just saw that as a challenge .
  6. Yeah- bloody posties going on strike! Who do you think you are, eh? 'We're not doing it for the money'. Whatever! Just deliver the damn mail! ()
  7. Edit to try to put an end to the dinosaurs and human footprints drivel: Love that final sentence .
  8. Aweful news. Thoughts are with his friends and family. "Friends also paid tribute to Danny by posting internet videos of him doing stunts on a BMX bike in Inverness. In the videos, the teenager jumps on to and off walls and railings." Good ol' P&J...
  9. No worries. Previous thread is here .
  10. Repost. It's in the Videos section somewhere fairly recently. Absolutely incredible though!
  11. Which is what I said? Your book doesn't take account for those 160 million years because the humans who wrote it weren't aware of their existence at the time. Even though they could make up some pretty impressive stories about floods and diseases etc. without the knowledge of dinosaur fossils etc. there was no way they could've dreamt them up. Ah well, just another scientific fact you guys have to ignore in order to believe... Did you really just say that? Sorry to piss on your bonfire but if that's the story you're going with, how come Noah didn't save two of every single species of dinosaur as well when the flood came? Oh wait, is it because Noah never existed? Or because there was no flood? Or maybe because the dinosaurs died off millions of years before a human ever evolved who could've even possibly made a boat in the event of a non-existent flood? Although if he had they would've just eaten all the other animals and Noah. Which would've meant that only the dinosaurs were left and humans would have to have evolved once again as science intended... When did you say this flood was? You may be on to something... I'm sorry but I really can't believe how stupid you're making yourself sound.
  12. Quite obviously you don't know squat on the topic since anything you say against science and evolution has been shot down in an instant. The Zorse being an obvious example. That's a facepalm moment right there. Are you serious?! Your knowledge is that f**king book again isn't it? Sigh. Once again you clearly have no idea what carbon dating is, the science behind the dating (carbon or otherwise) or anything remotely logical because you're blinded by that f**king book. It's not a defense thing, it's an anger at the unbelievable stupidity and ignorance of those who believe in such utter drivel. As I've said before, religion is fine if you use it to to do good in your life or whatever but to believe the literal meaning of the stories is simply short sighted. . John MacKay quite clearly isn't a qualified scientist (well, maybe a sports scientist or something) if he's supporting creationism. Particularly if he uses excorcism as evidence. 1) You really haven't seen gods work first hand. All the miracles you've seen at christian camp? Yeah they certainly don't count. Funny that you've been exposed to several real life miracles when the rest of the 6.7 billion people on the planet have never seen anything. 2) You can't really see evolution first hand as such, correctly as you say, because it takes too long. However, there is so much proof that the Earth isn't 6000 years old I don't know where to begin. Actually, here's one obvious one; riddle me this Mr O'Connor... if the earth was created by god 6000 years ago, at what point in those 6000 years did dinosaurs appear, reign on the Earth for ~160 million years then die off to make way for mammals? I don't remember seeing them mentioned in the bible. Funny that. You'd think it might've mentioned that, wouldn't you?
  13. Give Tarty a ring. If they exist they'll be able to get them.
  14. As was mentioned in the previous thread, you experience the effect every day simply by moving. Depending on your velocity time itself passes differently to if you're stationary. We're talking nanoseconds different if you stayed in London or flew by Concorde to New York (of course that would require time travel to start with anyway but you get the idea) but the point is there is a finite difference in the 'time' experienced by the two observers.
  15. What is time? Time is a word made up by humans to name the concept of 'time' itself. At the base it is a result of consciousness. A rock isn't aware of 'time' yet we are. However, in the absence of our idea of time, things happen and it takes a finite 'time' for anything to happen (a photon to travel from the Sun to the surface of a planet or moss to grow on the rock) but in some ways it requires an 'observer' to experience this delay. The concept of time is something different though. Time is also the fourth dimension and as such a way of measuring and explaining our Universe. Without us to call what we call time 'time' events would still occur and the finite delays between things happening would still exist. So yeah, time itself as a concept exists but without consciousness to observe, measure and contemplate it the word is meanless. Where's Ben when you need him?!!
  16. Yup, and it would go. Quite quickly too I'd guess.
  17. If the diameter's right then yes. And yes the rotor's are good. And look cool.
  18. I've always used pre-used spokes if they're available. Only ever bought new if the lengths required are totally different. It's not good practise of course but...
  19. Quoted for truth... I feel really sorry for you Joe. If you're happy in your Christian world then cool, but I really wish you'd open your eyes instead of closing your mind...
  20. Ahahahahahahaha. Proof what God has done? Name one single thing that PROVE's anything of the sort, not just you saying 'it's too complex to have evolved' or 'the Bible says so'. Zebra's and horses can interbreed (it's called a Zorse or Horbra or Hebra. No, seriously) and I imagine black birds and thrushes could too if they were so inclined. You're just showing your ignorance again of what we've been explaining. "People who dont want to follow a religion are either too uneducated on the topic, are stubborn or are afraid to commit to it because they think that they wont be able to have fun." Sorry but shut the f**k up. I know far too much on the topic and just thinking about that shite makes me angry. It's has nothing to do with education (let's be honest, you've shown how uneducated you are in science and evolution plenty in this topic alone) or stubbornness or anything else- I don't believe the drivel in the Bible because it has no basis in reality and is quite clearly a bunch of made up, written by humans, fiction. Now I understand that it can be used to apply to modern situations and can guide you to a positive way to live your life (in theory) but to believe the stories it contains actually happened or are based on fact is just crazy.
  21. I think the 33 voters probably represents are reasonable indication of the lack of success of the 'experiment' nationwide. My guess would be that for every one person it worked on there were a few hundred for whom it didn't. Americans aren't exactly known for being the smartest people in the world though are they?...
  22. If you read the thread and look at the poll you'll see it was by and large a pile of wank. And to Iain C, the disappointment relates to the fact he told us he was going to tell us how he did the Lottery thing and in fact just explained a complete pile of wank. Now there's a common theme emerging here...
  23. The only way he could've done it is with the split screen trick I think. That video above pretty much recreates the trick perfectly, even down to the camera shake. It's quite clear that he didn't predict the numbers beforehand and so the balls were blank when the program started (otherwise he could've shown them at the beginning) and were switched/written on as the numbers were called out before he revealed them. His explanation was complete drivel which just makes him come across poorly.
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