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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Hmm. However, if I were to come on here and explain how attached I was to my ugly gerbil: I would certainly expect somebody to take the piss out of it's ugliness and possibly make several jokes regarding Richard Gere, Southpark and other such things. This is Trials-forum after all, if you expect compassion and understanding this ain't the place!
  2. Come on... it was a cat. And you gotta admit it was a pretty ugly one.
  3. I make it around £26k but that might be rubbish!
  4. I'm pretty sure that's not itstroy08's camera phone vid of him doing a tailwhip though...
  5. You say that but they were kind enough to loan you the money to buy alcohol, food and more importantly bikes in the first place!
  6. Don't forget the talking snake... (don't laugh. What you've never seen a talking snake? You've never lived) whose punishment for coaxing them to eat the fruit was that that 'it shall crawl on it's belly for the rest of it's days'. Man that snake musta been pissed off.
  7. You see, that's the thing. If what you say were true it'd make your God a real cunt. If he punished the bad then that would make sense and he might be considered an all right sorta guy. However, I kinda doubt that the 230,000 people killed in the 2004 Tsunami were all sinners and if you try and tell me that things like 9/11 were 'God's will' I may have to buy a plane ticket to New Zealand so I can come and slap you. We all know Jesus was a white man from Oxford.
  8. Well that's good news (I think). The f**kers have been charging 4% plus in the past few years I think...
  9. I think you're probably right. That or winter camo with the blue/white/grey or whatever. Pretty sure it wouldn't have been so easy to do though...
  10. Yet still you can'y spell colour properly...
  11. Ahhhhh... now I get it. Kinda.
  12. Yeah, that was written on the 6th of August...
  13. First off, sorry for your loss. Can't imagine how hard that mut've been for you. On the religion side, of course if someone take comfort in some crazy story that makes them feel they're not just going to become worm food then great but I can't help feeling a bit sorry for their delusion. Secondly, the main point of this thread was supposed to be Creationism which in my mind is the massive joke at the beginning of the bible which some simple folks don't seem to question. On that point I find the bible laughable and as such know that whoever wrote it didn't have a single clue what they were writing about (understandable, of course, at the time) and so all that follows is also nothing more than Harry Potter Episode 1: The Phantom Jesus. Yeah, Christian missionaries have a lot to answer for... And in the absence of that all that remains is that the eneducated human has an innate need to try and 'understand' the world in which they live and consider what awaits in the afterlife. I don't know what you're specifically describing but I imagine it's similar to what most cultures seem to decide... Something you don't understand? Ah that's the invisible dude. Sick, ill, dying? Yeah that's the invisible dude's plan I'm afraid. What happens when you die? Ah, don't worry, the invisible dude will sort you out. Sounds like 'god' to me.
  14. He didn't even have a computer until last year (?) did he? I don't imagine updating websites is hgh on his list of things to do! Think he may have to resort to getting Dave Cleaver or someone from The Clan to do it for him.
  15. Is there a chance that the entire bible could be in fact metaphorical (fiction) and that maybe there was no Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Kings, wise men, star, sheep, donkeys, octopii, burning bush, Noah, ark, flood, burning bush,..., snake, tree, apple, Adam, Eve, rib, 7 day creation, god?
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