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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. You have to think though that anyone who even thinks the creation story is even feasible is just as blindly ignorant and stupid as the caller
  2. Well that's because it's completely impossible to explain any of the crap that's in the Bible. It won't change their outlook on the subject of course but that's just because they're a bit dim. Sarcasm based in fact there folks, I call it sarfact. Everyone needs a little anal in their lives.
  3. I actually meant the guy who Derren 'stole' £5k from (which, as Village Idiot says, is nigh on impossible to do in cash. You need to give your branch like 24 hours notice to make such a big withdrawl) but yes, that guy you're talking about is also a coomplete retard who I wanted to throw off that overpass. Also while I think about it I find it odd that on a major dual carriageway, where most drivers would be doing 75mph+ the chosen cars were doing ~50mph in the outside lane. I don't care how 'good' Derren is live, this entire series has been a huge pile of complete shite. Which makes me think he's a pathetic sellout and as such I have no inclination to see him live or watch any of his drivel again... fail!
  4. Do born again Christians have two belly buttons?
  5. Gah he's such a twat! Just watching the rerun of the casino thing. Paint thing? Balls. If that top sheet was a stencil it'd be obvious what it said. That 'calculating speed by triagulating between the sign, the tree and something else'? Bullshit. That dude in the shirt quite incredibly obviously in on it, an actor and a total liar. Gah!!!! It makes me angry it's so unbelievably bad! I've seen better acting on Neighbours.
  6. Watched it last night and gotta say I was a bit disappointed. Seems really cheesey and that oriental looking dude makes me angry for some reason...
  7. I've heard tucking sidehops can give you aids.
  8. Is it online anywhere? I can't find it... Edit: Nevermind, found it.
  9. Yet now it just gives the team who have just got a try and the points for a try to extend the points advantage even more. Doesn't make sense...
  10. I've never understood why in rugby you get a penalty for scoring a goal (to use a football analogy).
  11. Hmm. However, if I were to come on here and explain how attached I was to my ugly gerbil: I would certainly expect somebody to take the piss out of it's ugliness and possibly make several jokes regarding Richard Gere, Southpark and other such things. This is Trials-forum after all, if you expect compassion and understanding this ain't the place!
  12. Come on... it was a cat. And you gotta admit it was a pretty ugly one.
  13. I make it around £26k but that might be rubbish!
  14. I'm pretty sure that's not itstroy08's camera phone vid of him doing a tailwhip though...
  15. You say that but they were kind enough to loan you the money to buy alcohol, food and more importantly bikes in the first place!
  16. Don't forget the talking snake... (don't laugh. What you've never seen a talking snake? You've never lived) whose punishment for coaxing them to eat the fruit was that that 'it shall crawl on it's belly for the rest of it's days'. Man that snake musta been pissed off.
  17. You see, that's the thing. If what you say were true it'd make your God a real cunt. If he punished the bad then that would make sense and he might be considered an all right sorta guy. However, I kinda doubt that the 230,000 people killed in the 2004 Tsunami were all sinners and if you try and tell me that things like 9/11 were 'God's will' I may have to buy a plane ticket to New Zealand so I can come and slap you. We all know Jesus was a white man from Oxford.
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