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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. They're Primo Powerbites I think.
  2. The wheelbase is the wheelbase. Whatever fork your running, wherever your wheel is sitting in the dropouts, measure from the axle centre to axle centre and that's the wheelbase. Magic! As has been said, what you're describing is something completely different and more like 'frame length' but then you can get that from chainstay length and reach I guess to some extent...
  3. Maybe because that wouldn't be the wheelbase? How does the bar angle affect the wheelbase anyway?
  4. Didn't deserve a new thread but Rob Ridge is pure awesomeness. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  5. I was incredibly unimpressed by number one. I'd never even heard of her or her 'channel' so that was just meh. Quite glad that 'Ouch Charlie' shite wasn't in there though.
  6. OMG I've met him!! Edit: Christ that guitar kid's good...
  7. You must be doing something wrong 'cos I run mine on a smooth rim most of the time: Awesome. And also on a dead grind for doing comps on: Awesome.
  8. Build it and they will come. I would've killed for a proper Ashton replica back in the day. I'd have sold my own gran for a set of Coda cranks...
  9. You thieving b*****d! That shit's just not on. It's like the Adam Hilton thread all over again. Give Ben his boat back!!
  10. Yeah that's just you being a cock though . I didn't do Pass Plus but from what I've heard it does sound reasonable. To pass the driving test all you ever do is learn to pass the test and no more. That doesn't necessarily make you a good driver and in some cases I think it teaches bad things. Pass Plus takes the basic driving ability and teaches you to apply some forward thinking and logic to the driving process and so improves the way you think about driving.
  11. Who the f**k are you to ask him who he is to call him a criminal?
  12. What hub is it? If it's fixed (steel sprocket threaded onto the body itself with a freewheel on the cranks) you're pretty much screwed(!) and the only real option is to buy a new hub.
  13. Is the f**ktard on the forum? And I mean this Adam chap not Lazenby. While you (he) were (was) trying to cause a car crash and get run over? Acting like little chavvy f**ks to be fair. Man is trials in the UK going downhill these days .
  14. I'm sure Ali will give you his address.
  15. Not easily. Really you'd need to turn the hub body down to accept a sealed bearing and then have a new axle turned up to make it all work. Easier just to buy a Sport hub really...
  16. Mac's are evil. I also hear they give you aids.
  17. Wow, chill there! He's Ben Travis and he has links with the Hull Mafia...
  18. Boo, their stupid website only has May's edition.
  19. + This = Shits and giggles? Kidding, kidding. I do see he's removed the pistonheads advert for the R8 though...
  20. Looks vaguely laser like... but then I know sod all about boats!
  21. Come on... The Creationist story isn't exactly very complicated. My 'God dunnit' comment pretty much sums it up and I think we're (unfortunately) all fairly aware of what the bible says about the matter. However you've only managed to show your complete lack of understanding of Evolutionary theory and the science behind that fact throughout this topic. So Hahahahahaha back atcha.
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