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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Who the f**k are you to ask him who he is to call him a criminal?
  2. What hub is it? If it's fixed (steel sprocket threaded onto the body itself with a freewheel on the cranks) you're pretty much screwed(!) and the only real option is to buy a new hub.
  3. Is the f**ktard on the forum? And I mean this Adam chap not Lazenby. While you (he) were (was) trying to cause a car crash and get run over? Acting like little chavvy f**ks to be fair. Man is trials in the UK going downhill these days .
  4. I'm sure Ali will give you his address.
  5. Not easily. Really you'd need to turn the hub body down to accept a sealed bearing and then have a new axle turned up to make it all work. Easier just to buy a Sport hub really...
  6. Mac's are evil. I also hear they give you aids.
  7. Wow, chill there! He's Ben Travis and he has links with the Hull Mafia...
  8. Boo, their stupid website only has May's edition.
  9. + This = Shits and giggles? Kidding, kidding. I do see he's removed the pistonheads advert for the R8 though...
  10. Looks vaguely laser like... but then I know sod all about boats!
  11. Come on... The Creationist story isn't exactly very complicated. My 'God dunnit' comment pretty much sums it up and I think we're (unfortunately) all fairly aware of what the bible says about the matter. However you've only managed to show your complete lack of understanding of Evolutionary theory and the science behind that fact throughout this topic. So Hahahahahaha back atcha.
  12. I definitely prefer New World Disorder.
  13. Nope. You might as well believe that all the heads of state and kings/queens are shape shifting reptilians... Oh, wait, some people actually believe that.
  14. The reactions he gets of the dumb Americans is so funny though. Both when he approaches women looking like a psychopath and asks them 'can I show you something?' at which point they leg it and also when he pulls off his 'magic' and the Americans go nuts for it. Plus all the homeless crazies he seems to choose to perform to! My problem with Derren is that he tries to make it sound like he's telling you how he's going to do it and that it's all totally real when he's quite clearly lying through his teeth. Everything about the casino thing just pissed me off something chronic. If you just use camera tricks, actors and stooges or whatever it's completely pointless. That seems to be all this recent series has been.
  15. You've got his address Ali, I still say we all go knock on the f**kers door.
  16. I'd go for more along the lines of 'completely non existent'.
  17. You say that but when there's zero chance of creationism being correct and 99.99% chance of a more scientific explanation being correct (the other 0.01% is that FeS is god) I'd take my chances and say that creationism is a pile of shite. Technically speaking, of course.
  18. If 'God' did exist it'd be 99.9% likely to be some alien with 3 heads and 15 anuses rather than anything to do with the Christian idea of him. In which case oh how we'd laugh...
  19. How is the site still running? Is he actually still trading?
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