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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. They're straight blades. The pics of John Shrewsbury and my bikes in the Bike Pics forum both have proto Inspired forks on for your perusal. It took me a while to get used to the looks of the forks because I'd only used curved legs for years but I love them now and the strength and design is second to none in my opinion. Edit: Just had a quick chat with Dave and he reckons they'll be here before the end of November. RRP is to be confirmed but they'll be available disc only in black or white and magura only in black.
  2. First why is (I think) because of the amount of machining and work that has to go into the production. They have quite intricate, neat dropouts and a one piece machined steerer like the Trialtechs. The second is because they're just perfect. I've been running my protos for ages now (8-10 months at a guess) and due to the single piece steerer and design they are the strongest, stiffest forks I've ever used (on a trials bike of course). A lot of thought has gone into the disc mount to ensure it won't put undue stress into the legs or welds. The top cap (which threads directly into the steerer which is nice) also allows for the brake line to pass down the fork for that Danny Mac look! Together with all that they still weigh less than 1kg. They rock.
  3. . Start saving though, I believe they're not going to be the cheapest forks on the market but they will definitely be the best.
  4. That's the usual way of guestimating whether a gap is doable static or not.
  5. It looks like one of the really basic simple ones that exist on lesser forums... Sorry but 'Nooooooo I don't like change'!
  6. Read the title as Quark Theory. Go figure.
  7. And it doesn't even have a saddle. Sheesh.
  8. I don't get where the spacers were going... If you kept removing the freewheel to put spacers in between the cranks and the freewheel you'd be reducing the amount of thread that the freewheel is able to use which would cause the thread to strip. But that can't be what you were doing because that would be moving it closer to the frame...
  9. You say that but I'm quite pleased that they got a couple of guys into the European Parliament. I wouldn't want them in power here but hopefully they might be able to stir things up in Brussels and reduce all the shite we have to put up with...
  10. Great find! That looks like so much fun! Loving the girl with the umbrella keeping wee Danny dry!
  11. Yeah but that was blatantly aliens. Tracking orbits, building pyramids, Machu Picchu... aliens. I saw it all on this documentary called 'Alien vs. Predator'.
  12. Yeah but they were a bit stupid really... the Earth is flat?! Whateva mister!
  13. Can't be surely... on the green Crescent? I'm sure he's way better than that.
  14. As anal says that is simply common sense. The way any religion tells you how to live your life is nothing more than differentiating between good and bad, right and wrong. 'Don't kill anyone.' Really? Not even one? Ok. 'Don't rape anyone.' Aww, come on, where's the fun in that?! 'Don't eat seafood.' Now you're just getting ridiculous. Religion tries to provide guidance for people in life and attempts to provide some kind of reason to be good (the promise of a happy afterlife sitting on a cloud). In essence those things should only be needed if you're weak, stupid or just plain ignorant. Anyone else already knows what's right and wrong and tend to live their life accordingly without any religious beliefs. As I've said before, Ben, please don't take any of these comments to heart- it's simply that you're the sensible person who always speaks sense and tries to see the problem from all directions and so I always end up replying to your posts!
  15. Ah, now wait a second. Taking your car analagy... My use of the crusades as an example isn't like you going out and deliberately causing a pile up in your car. The crusades are like if Ford Motor Company got all of it's employees to each take one of their cars and instructed them to cause a pile up, drive into a que at a bus stop or just go and crash into the first Vauxhall car they found but enduring that the occupant was killed, all in the name of Ford. Now we can all see that's completely moronic but that's pretty much what the crusades came down to- the moronic murder of anyone who disagreed with the Church and refused their version of God. That alone makes me angry enough to want to tell anyone in the street spouting christian crap to f**k off. The (extremist) Muslims are still blowing each other (and anyone else they can get angry at) apart in the name of Alah. f**king morons. I know religion is just an excuse to be shit to each other but I can't help feeling that it really doesn't help matters. My problem with religion (apart from the fact the basis of it is all a pile of turd which should never be considered as even remotely based in real life) is that over the centuries it has been used "as a means of populace control, war, profit, etc". If a load of deluded people find comfort in the fairy stories they believe then fine but I'll still consider them naive, weak and probably feel sorry for them.
  16. Well it makes more sense than killing thousands upon thousands of pagan Slavs, Jews, Russian and Greek Orthodox Christians, Mongols, Cathars, Hussites, Waldensians, Old Prussians, and political enemies of the popes in religiously-sanctioned military campaigns doesn't it? Oh, wait... that happened didn't it? Ah well, so long as it was all in the name of God that makes it alright I guess. Go Christians!
  17. Cranks have got to be Coda's for true old skoolness. IRC tires too. Oh and one of those triple colour flite saddles... but then most of that stuff was what he used on his original red Beast of the East's. *Drool*
  18. Just saw this on the BBC site and thought of this thread. Shame the Earth was created 7000 years ago 'cos these little guys can't possibly have existed. Poor little guys.
  19. Considering it's a forum populated by almost entirely by teenage boys I'd hazard a guess that that's fairly accurate.
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