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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. A repost that I hoped would never rear it's fugly head. I'd be embarrassed to ride around on that (or if I was a sponsor for one of my riders to ride a heap like that!). It makes me want to vomit .
  2. No, you daren't. Seriously, avoid trials-uk at all costs.
  3. I've always fancied doing a sponsored stair climb type thing. Up a building, down the lift then back up. Repeat until collapse .
  4. Dunno... Not if you want to use brakes I guess and probably not at all.
  5. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  6. There's an o-ring on the caliper cap thing and two square section seals for the caliper pistons. The other bit is the bleed nipple cover.
  7. Have you nipped the bolt up too much so the lever's not completely free to move? Try loosening it off a touch and see how it feels.
  8. Getting '123-reg | Domain name registration'. Have we lost the server/site since Luke left uni?
  9. I stick my pads and disc in boiling water to try and get out the oil and then stick my pads in a hot oven for 10mins to burn off residual oil. Seems to do something... Does need bedding in again afterwards though. Edit: What the hell is brund?!
  10. I think what John's getting at is that the Inspired's are stiff and solid as fook- proper 'fit and forget' forks like with BMX. They're also straight blade (like BMX's) giving the bike a very direct feel. They most definitely aren't steel- nicely finished ally all the way with the same steerer tube design as the Trialtechs.
  11. Or the Inspired's which will have all the good points of the Trialtechs while being 24" specific with a hollow bolt for the front brake cable to pass through etc. Kickass. Edit: I've also just spoken to Dave Cleaver and the topbolts from the Inspired forks will eventually be available to buy separately so people with Trialtech forks will be able to run them.
  12. I guess you could use a dremel with a cutting wheel if you had one/were lazy.
  13. monkeyseemonkeydo


    No way does that say Jupiters Jaunts... I can almost see Jupiter...
  14. Depends what brake it is... Most Hope brakes use allen screws I think but the Try-All brake seems to use Torx.
  15. monkeyseemonkeydo


    Everything I thought. Ah well, carry on.
  16. Forks etc. are expected before the end of this month. I believe there will be two completes available, a 'Pro' and a 'Team' version, each based around the brilliant Inspired frame and forks.
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