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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Will you pay my income tax Adam? Pretty please?!!
  2. I don't know what all the fuss is about, I got the first job I applied for and is exactly what I want to do. Go figure .Sorry, I'm a b*****d, I know!
  3. I've got Adam at Tartybikes on the case to see if he could buy in bulk at trade to make it far more economic for us poor UK buyers.
  4. Unfortunately I think Nazi's right.
  5. Spreading compassion and love is all very well for intelligent, rational, fairly well educated people like you and I but I think falls apart when you consider wider society and the sort of sickos out there (completely forgetting the religion thing) such as the knife carrying retards, child abuser, animal cruelty proponents and even chavs who have zero respect for anything or anyone. These sort of people need less compassion shown towards them, not more...
  6. Ditto. Compassion to whom? To the knife carrying teenage murderers out there? The paedophiles and rapists? The suicide bombers? The Muslims who follow sharia law ensuring that a woman who is gang raped is then stoned or flogged for adultery? As has been said, anything with links to religion is almost certainly set for failure. People are different. Unfortunately religion only helps to pinpoint those differences and drive a wedge between people of different faiths... it's basically unavoidable so long as religion exists. Even people of the same religion tend to want to murder each other (think Catholics vs. Protestants in Ireland, Shiites vs. Sunni's in wherever they happen to want to kill each other). As has been said, I don't get it I'm afraid, Mike! Edit: Before Ben reads this and reiterates that religion itself isn't evil... for sure, but it's definitely the best excuse people have used over the years for being f**king terrible to each other isn't it?! Also amusing that the spellchecker wants to change anzo to Nazi!!
  7. And miss out on Danny MacMania? There's money to be made there so why would he cut out 20% of the trials world?
  8. I'd totally forgotten about the Ashton Effect. What the hell happened to them?
  9. Yeah. Unfortunately due to shipping to the UK it's about £30... I'm tempted to ask if I could buy a load of them and get a bulk deal to then sell them on once they're in the UK...
  10. Have a look at Julien's channel. Loads more like that and he now has a new DVD out as well.
  11. A repost that I hoped would never rear it's fugly head. I'd be embarrassed to ride around on that (or if I was a sponsor for one of my riders to ride a heap like that!). It makes me want to vomit .
  12. No, you daren't. Seriously, avoid trials-uk at all costs.
  13. I've always fancied doing a sponsored stair climb type thing. Up a building, down the lift then back up. Repeat until collapse .
  14. Dunno... Not if you want to use brakes I guess and probably not at all.
  15. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  16. There's an o-ring on the caliper cap thing and two square section seals for the caliper pistons. The other bit is the bleed nipple cover.
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