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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. He coulda shaved for the occasion surely?!! Sporting the RedBull top I see...
  2. Vimeo Video -> Original Video Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  3. Route the front brake down through the forks with a hollow topcap and run a longer than average rear cable/hose. I can get two full revolutions either way with the bars still with some slack to spare.
  4. Morally bad but good for buying stuff, especially if you know you're not going to be near a computer when the item finishes. I use Gixen but only when I'm not around at the auction end.
  5. There have already been Marino's like that haven't there? Damon's?
  6. There're naked ladies () in the calendar too you know...
  7. Who are the people putting 100+ BB rise?!
  8. You mean people buy these for reasons other than them being so fookin sexeh? Who'da thunk it?!
  9. Fell of the back of the lorry eh? Typical.
  10. When spraying a frame... That's the only time I've ever done it although it's often replaced with a new one anyway so no real worries there. Agreed though- seems like a silly idea as the only way you could do it really is by making the frame heavier and very possibly weaker by adding in a removable section or 'split'. Doesn't make sense for the sake of a problem which doesn't really exist.
  11. I did it last week with the system completely apart. Make sure that you've undone the bleed screw etc to allow air into the cavity and then simply get some needle nose pliers on the central post which holds the little magnet. Mine came out fairly easily with a little wiggling. If you can get an airline on the bleed nipple fitting/thread that would do it too although it may shoot the piston across the room...
  12. I don't think that was really down to the team though. I just think Alonso's a wanker. Simples.
  13. My dad reckons it's the worst move Jenson could make because McLaren revolve around Lewis. I don't think so- I think McLaren are smarter (and fairer) than that and can't wait to see two of the best drivers in the world, with such totally different styles (and both British) fighting it out in equal machinery. Provided the team can put a good car together next season could be pretty damn interesting!
  14. I bet he doesn't scream that from the roof of his building though...
  15. Another thing which I think is very important is taking the time to 'target' your CV and covering letter for the specific job. I think the people who look at CV's all day long will be able to tell a mile off if it's just a standard one which someone's sent out to 20 companies in exactly the same format. When I applied for my current job I looked closely at the 'person specification' and 'job description' and made sure that I covered each of the main points carefully (without lying obviously) to make it clear that I really was the perfect man for the job. A little extra effort could make the difference between getting an interview and not.
  16. Those people are few and far between though. My GF did geography at uni (cue all the 'colouring pencils' jokes ) with the sole aim of becoming a geography teacher. She was subsequently head hunted for a position and is a brilliant teacher who has shot up the promotions ladder far faster than anyone would've thought. However, in her year at uni there were another 70 odd people who had only a mild interest in geography and had no intention whatsoever of ever using the gained knowledge in the future. To me that's a complete waste of 3 years just to prove that they can cram enough information into their heads to pass a few exams. It's just one of those annoying 'generic' subjects that hundreds of people do just so they can get a degree. Having said that, I worked alongside a guy in a high profile motorsport design office who had done a general design course at college and kind of fallen into the role. He worked his butt off and is now an aerodynamicist at Red Bull F1, managing a load of people who probably all have either degrees or doctorates in aerospace engineering or motorsport aerodynamics. Just goes to show what can happen if you put your mind to it I guess!
  17. Exactly. The government would like everyone to go to uni which is just plain stupid. I guess they only want to do it to make the unemployment figures a little less disasterous (in the short-term at least until the election) but that simply isn't the answer. We will always need plumbers, electricians, mechanics etc and they sure as hell don't want or need to go to uni. Of course the other side of it is that we're overrun with people with completely worthless degrees in art history, psychology and whatever other crap which they'll never use. However, as said, proper degrees in engineering, chemistry, physics, maths etc. will certainly help you get more interviews than if you have a degree in the 'growth of football in british culture including studies in David Beckham'... :facepalm:
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