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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. No. That's steel and designed to be in contact with the bottom race of the headset (the wider area the bearing sits on and the central raised area which locates the bearing centrally). Stem stackers are A) lightweight, soft material (carbon fibre, aluminium or whatever) and B) don't have the required design elements to accept and locate the lower bearing.
  2. More specifically, only in Fraserbrough (the Broch), drug capitol of Scotland. Awesomeness. Gotta say that this whole thing seems to be a massive publicity stunt and seems completely retarded...
  3. Or just miss out the youtube part and go straight into beating old grannies up on the street . Edit: Of course, in an effort to piss you off a little more, this really should've been in Chit chat! Edit 2: And of course, in answer to the original question, have you considered going out for a ride? I always find going out on the bike is a great way of clearing my head and forgetting anything that's bugging me.
  4. Warner's always been a mototrials man really. I'm sure he's dabbled on push bikes but he's damn good with an engine!
  5. That was awesome. Fantastic job. I'm really sad that I never got to ride with Janson... Never really knew him but watching the start of the Sweden section really got me thinking. Some wicked riding and so good to see the usual suspects out in force like that. Really makes me want to get back out on the bike more too. Edit: I couldn't remember if I was at that Portland ride or not but apparently I was . Edit2: Love the Kenny Belaey quote; Someone: 'That was much better than how Vincent did it' Kenny: 'Who?'
  6. Are they not self adjusting with reach adjust only? Edit: Maybe not?
  7. That's still North from here . Things like that really don't help with how you're putting yourself across though.
  8. .Sorry, missed the '[/sarcasm]' at the end of my posts .
  9. Is the hub still built onto a wheel? I've had success before by leaving a tyre on the wheel, locking the tool in a vice then yanking the wheel round to undo the freewheel. Application of heat is always a good bet too.
  10. But in the video you use your right hand to undo the lockring but by moving your hand to (your) right!
  11. I'm still a little unsure Adam... So is it a left hand thread?
  12. They have a right hand thread. As stated on the TartyBikes website (whose bike related advice I'd trust with my life), by the designer/manufacturer (Mike) and also a few owners. I'm pretty sure that's proof enough. Yep.
  13. Will Cogger's probably up there too. Saw him in around 1997 riding for Peugeot at the Scottish Car Show in the SECC.
  14. And Jez Avery! One of the first people I saw ride trials (for MAD) and a legendin his own lifetime! Edit: Good to see Rich and Jez still going strong!
  15. Hawyes has always bugged me for some reason. Never been convinced by his riding- he only got the publicity and coverage he did because of Martyn. He also comes across as a bit of a knob and have heard a few stories of him blanking trials riders because of who he thinks he is... Agreed, Martyn's the main main, Ackrigg to some extent, Ed tongue then people like Kurt Brain come to mind.
  16. Whatever you fancy really. 175's will give you more leverage and a bit more power but 160's/165's will allow you to accelerate the bike faster from a standstill.
  17. Lolzaroony. Oh yeah, forgot about those puppies. Also a good call.
  18. Come on Chris, man up and get in there with a nail (or screwdriver) and hammer! Just tap it round if you want to get the lockring off, no need for proper tools (though, as Adam says, they do exist (mine's the green Park one which doesn't fit ). Simple things, eh?!
  19. Nope, I (have to) use the right tool to take the actual freewheel off but to do the lockring I just use a nail. To tighten my old ACS's I even shrink wrapped the shaft of a nail so it wouldn't scratch the frame when I rolleed the bike backwards with the nail in place! I do actually own a proper Park pin tool thing but the pins are the wrong size for the enO and I've never bothered to modify it to wrok properly because a nail works just fine!
  20. Your point? That's not going to do much for a Tensile lockring, that's for sure...
  21. Vice. Nail. Hammer. Undoing a lockring? Done.
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