Rightly or wrongly I see smoking as being kinda chavvy... It makes me cringe whenever I see a bunch oof people standing outside their workplace or whatever puffing away and even more so when I see a granny smoking. It does seem to be becoming more and more socially unacceptable, which is good, but I just don't get smoking I guess. That is a pretty ignorant view . Although of course you could be hit by a bus/train/stampeding donkey tomorrow, if you don't (and the odds are stacked in your favour) then surely not being out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs in the future is a good thing? In some ways I also see smoking as being fairly selfsh, both in the polluting everyone elses air but also when it comes to the amount smokers must cost the NHS from knowingly f**king up their bodies. It's a bit like alcoholics getting hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of care getting treatment and liver transplants for something they've done to themselves. Oh yeah, and while I'm on the hate campaign it pisses me off sooooo much when I see people with little kids lighting up, even outside that just winds me up something chronic and just adds to the chaviness image. Get it sorted Mr Anscombe before the wee man comes!