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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Jason Statham<<<<<<<<Steve McQueen. As said before, smoking's for chumps . Cool beans. Good luck and keep with it!
  2. ROFLCOPTER and QFT. Call me what you want but is Mr Hermance a little 'excited' in that last one?! What the hell was he doing anyway? Bloody frenchies...
  3. Smoking was cool. Smoking is now retarded and chavvy.
  4. Rightly or wrongly I see smoking as being kinda chavvy... It makes me cringe whenever I see a bunch oof people standing outside their workplace or whatever puffing away and even more so when I see a granny smoking. It does seem to be becoming more and more socially unacceptable, which is good, but I just don't get smoking I guess. That is a pretty ignorant view . Although of course you could be hit by a bus/train/stampeding donkey tomorrow, if you don't (and the odds are stacked in your favour) then surely not being out of breath from walking up a flight of stairs in the future is a good thing? In some ways I also see smoking as being fairly selfsh, both in the polluting everyone elses air but also when it comes to the amount smokers must cost the NHS from knowingly f**king up their bodies. It's a bit like alcoholics getting hundreds of thousands of pounds worth of care getting treatment and liver transplants for something they've done to themselves. Oh yeah, and while I'm on the hate campaign it pisses me off sooooo much when I see people with little kids lighting up, even outside that just winds me up something chronic and just adds to the chaviness image. Get it sorted Mr Anscombe before the wee man comes!
  5. Smoking's for chumps. Oh, sorry Dave .
  6. I'm sure the mototrials stuff was posted a couple of weeks ago but haven't seen him on a push bike or crosser before. Kids got skills- reminds me of Kurt Brain- pretty much anything he tries he's amazing at!
  7. Try a local engineering firm rather than LBS.
  8. Just watched Sundays episode on iPlayer and I gotta say that was one of the most entertaining I've seen for a while... Very amusing! I so want a Lancia Fulvia (even though it does sound like part of a lady's anatomy...). That thing was gorgeous!
  9. Ah, gotcha, sorry! I don't really see why it won't work then in theory, although you may need to file down the inside of the stem stackers to allow them to pass over the flared section that the crown race should sit around.
  10. Negative Chimp. I had them powder coated locally. Cost about £20 for the pair I think. Really hard wearing finish as well .
  11. No. That's steel and designed to be in contact with the bottom race of the headset (the wider area the bearing sits on and the central raised area which locates the bearing centrally). Stem stackers are A) lightweight, soft material (carbon fibre, aluminium or whatever) and B) don't have the required design elements to accept and locate the lower bearing.
  12. More specifically, only in Fraserbrough (the Broch), drug capitol of Scotland. Awesomeness. Gotta say that this whole thing seems to be a massive publicity stunt and seems completely retarded...
  13. Or just miss out the youtube part and go straight into beating old grannies up on the street . Edit: Of course, in an effort to piss you off a little more, this really should've been in Chit chat! Edit 2: And of course, in answer to the original question, have you considered going out for a ride? I always find going out on the bike is a great way of clearing my head and forgetting anything that's bugging me.
  14. Warner's always been a mototrials man really. I'm sure he's dabbled on push bikes but he's damn good with an engine!
  15. That was awesome. Fantastic job. I'm really sad that I never got to ride with Janson... Never really knew him but watching the start of the Sweden section really got me thinking. Some wicked riding and so good to see the usual suspects out in force like that. Really makes me want to get back out on the bike more too. Edit: I couldn't remember if I was at that Portland ride or not but apparently I was . Edit2: Love the Kenny Belaey quote; Someone: 'That was much better than how Vincent did it' Kenny: 'Who?'
  16. Are they not self adjusting with reach adjust only? Edit: Maybe not?
  17. That's still North from here . Things like that really don't help with how you're putting yourself across though.
  18. .Sorry, missed the '[/sarcasm]' at the end of my posts .
  19. Is the hub still built onto a wheel? I've had success before by leaving a tyre on the wheel, locking the tool in a vice then yanking the wheel round to undo the freewheel. Application of heat is always a good bet too.
  20. But in the video you use your right hand to undo the lockring but by moving your hand to (your) right!
  21. I'm still a little unsure Adam... So is it a left hand thread?
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