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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Little effort but more time simply means you get to stretch out your breaks for longer. Although it's not exactly rocket science from what I've seen...
  2. Well you losers over the pond use NTSC format for videos and DVD whereas sensible countries use PAL .
  3. Try roughing the surface up with a bit of sandpaper first to give the stuff more of a surface to get in to.
  4. As Craig said we need either more info or a pic. If the forks and the brake are IS fitting the adapter should jst bolt straight up to both with the only room for error being which caliper/adapter/rotor combination you're running. Does the caliper bolt up fine but is in the wrong place for the rotor or does it not go on the forks at all?
  5. Ah, so all smokers are lazy bastards too. I always thought that was the case but it's always good to have a theory confirmed!
  6. What do you mean by trials club? Competitions? Indoor/Outdoor? Practice club in a warehouse with a load of stuff to ride on? If it's the comp side, either try and piggyback onto another genre as mentioned or go the whole hog and seek ACU affiliation to make everything legit and cover insurance etc.
  7. Linky. Just a few levels again I think- full version costs $10 or something. Slow much? With room for improvement
  8. Sounds like a great addition to my eating disorder! Thanks for the help Simps!
  9. I've never run one but don't think I ever would because of the stiff link problem... doesn't seem like it can be very well designed if it does that so badly. I've been using a Trialtech Lite for months now with no problems and Kools for years before then. I'd happily use nothing other than those two...
  10. It'll work but I can see it being very grabby- i.e. only a tiny amount of lever travel between no braking at all and being full power/locked. Can't see modulation being very good in other words.
  11. Lots of versions to buy online and worth wasting a few hours on . Edit: Here and there's also a newer one that's more complex: Trials 2.
  12. That is the reach adjust you numpty... Reach adjust changes where the blade sits at rest and bite point adjustment changes where through the levers travel the brake actually starts biting. With standard blades that can only be done either by most likely having a non-ideal reach position or by cheating the system by pumping the brake or fiddling with reservoir levels before putting the wheel in. With the new levers (which I haven't tried yet) you can properly fine tune the feel (like with HS33's) without having to cheat the system.
  13. Shows up a little better when you have the pictures next to each other. I think it's basically a silvery grey anodising. Also the square hole version.
  14. But mainly peer pressure and to appear cool. True fact.
  15. Do I sense a touch of sarcasm perchance?... First thing it's littering which pisses me off to start with. It just makes it alright to chuck your sweet wrappers, McD's shit or whatever else out the window and does nothing to help stop the young uns f**king up everything around them with no respect for anyone or anything. I've yet to get the chance to pass a lit butt back into someone's car but my day will come- mark my words, that day will come. Second what the f**k is an ashtray for in a car? Finally as a motorcyclist you f**kers just come across as selfish fanny's. Did I mention I don't like smoking?...
  16. Because he's right? Jokes, jokes... . But seriously, you better not throw your butts out your car window. Just kidding. But not really.
  17. Rubbish. I've never been an F1 driver but have lots of views on everything from Driver rellationships to regulations to design and everything in between without any direct experience...
  18. Wait until you're paying tax and National Insurance to cover all these selfish bastards habits!! Edit: Where's Rich, smoking a rollie in his 'Cancer Research' t-shirt to put another perspective on this?!
  19. Have you considered that he might actually like it? I have more respect for someone who can 'take it or leave it' and only does it because they choose to and enjoy it than people who smoke 40 a day because they're too weak to break the addiction... I think in reference to the original topic () if you smoke you'll still be able to ride trials no problem but you'll get breathless and need a rest more than a 'normal' () person and you'll obviously be paying for the privalege of being less fit... Depends how good a rider you are/want to be and how much money you like pissing away every day.
  20. Anger issues much?! Don't beat about the bush, will you? Yeah exactly. Had one bounce of my chest a while back and thought it was going to go between my legs and burn my troos/tank/seat. Wasn't impressed.
  21. Ah yeah, that brings me on to reason for hating smoking number 198; people who throw their fag butts out their car windows. Unts. Edit: Not saying that you do it Jardo just reminded me of another of my smoking pet hates!
  22. Not quite true... if you consider the long term then of course not every smoker will die of lung/throat/mouth cancer or whatever however surely pretty much anyone who smokes more than a few a day will be adversely affected in their day to day health- lung capacity/efficiency, breathlessness etc is basically a side effect of smoking isn't it? I disagree. Joe O'Connor definitely takes that award for his grasp of evolutionary theory and science.
  23. Me... But I think you could've guessed that!
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