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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Surely that's irrelevant once it's in a video and converted to their .flv video file? I've got a few vids on Youtube and none have been taken down for copyright infringement (yet). Facebook took one down though...
  2. Doesn't matter how many people watch the program when the single is so shite... I think RATM may actually have a small shot at success. Rick Astley was amistake last year because who the hell actually wants to buy that? The sort of people who are likely to do this this year for RATM are the sorts of people who never buy music and I can see there being quite a lot going for this. People are buying multiple copies just to try and stop the X-Factor crap making it the the top... Fingers crossed it works, for no other reason than the radio and news coverage which wouldn't even be able to play the song .
  3. Don't like the colour...maybe it'll be different in real life but I guess it's nothing a rattle can couldn't change... Graphics also don't do anything at all for the frame, particularly the stuff near the headtube which really detracts from what should be one of the most eyecatching areas of the frame. Why do Onza continue to try their best to ruin the looks of otherwise nice frames?
  4. The 6mm is in distance between the shoulders (to allow room for snail cams), not axle length. The Ti Disc hubs are pretty damn good in my opinion.
  5. Point 1) It is the 13th. Point 2) It counts between 00.01 this morning and 00.00 next Saturday. Not too lateeeeeeeeeeee . Edit: Advised purchase sites.
  6. Mike Deere's just said that but from what I've read the start point for the charts was 00.01 this morning... That's what the facebook group, HotUKDeals and some random news place seemed to be saying. Would buy it again tomorrow if I was wrong though!
  7. The time has come! Just bought a copy (already have the CD and MP3 but approve of the cause) from Play.com for 65p. Bargainous. Everyone should do this!
  8. Who? The ultra famous Danny Mac standing next to some random guy:
  9. Wow, that extra £10 for Try-All logo's must make a huge difference on performance ... For all intents and purposes the Try-All, TrialTech, Onza, Wellgo and V!z items are exactly the same pedals. The TrialTechs are obviously the coolest but beyond that it comes down to colour and price.
  10. Where it all began... Note the stabilisers and blocks of wood on the pedals together with the kickass wellies with furry tops... Hell yeah! Started playing round with trials on a 24" Raleigh Scorpion before getting a GT Backwoods which was slowly converted into a more trials oriented biek (in the time before you could buy bashrings and Magura's still cost £255 a set). Since then I've had: -Monty X-Hydra. -Echo EM2's (multiple due to rear discs cracking the frames). -Revell 20"'s (multiple due to denting the chainstays the first time you used the bash). -Zoo Python. -Orange Zero. -Onza T-Rex Woodstock spec. -Adamant A1. -Monty 221Pr. -Onza Zoot. -Inspired.
  11. Unless you want to polish the bare metal up why bother stripping/sanding or anything like that? Just key up the surface as it is and spray away. Depending how good a job you want to do you can either remove the pistons and seals and everything or take the easy option and just mask up those areas and be careful when spraying.
  12. I really didnt' like those Mississippi Mud Pie but then I don't like coffee... In other news: Full of win
  13. Can I just point out... £2499 and it weighs 10.5kg? For that money (and for a bike designed purely for comps) I'd expect it to be closer to 9-9.5kg... Maybe that's just me though.
  14. Bit of a fanny really, aren't you? (Damn the swear filter)
  15. Do you just hate and slate everything in the world? That must be a fairly disappointing existence.
  16. That doesn't help me see the first one though! Not all of us have Sky...
  17. Well that was pretty bloody stupid on the castle builders front wasn't it?!
  18. Most companies will simply consult a materials property chart when chosing what material to use for a component. They may have carried out some FEA on the designs to find out the likely stress raisers and highlight any possible design flaws but beyond that it's down to testing (probably on a bike using prototype components if at all) before going into production. Ti axles have been used for years on square taper BB's and in BMX uses but there aren't many (if any) that have been used on ISIS.
  19. So true. Kitterns are full of win, cats suck. Wow, that really is you back on top form of 'epic fail' there Glen...
  20. Sounds like someone's promoting the use of illegal mind altering drugs... I call medical malpractice!!
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