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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Fair enough, and in that case it makes it even more important to make sure what you put out there will appeal to the largest proportion of riders so you can get the biggest slice of the available pie. Compared to the likes of Koxx you produce very good value, high performance frames but if you just spent a little more time considering the details (if you've read my editted post above about Inspired) I think you could do even better and push your frames even further up the 'top selling frames' lists. That doesn't even necessarily just mean the frame colours either. The pictures at the start of this thread make the bike look cheap and tacky. Pretty much any rider can tell you that and it comes down to silly things like bar and stem choice. Those are the sorts of things that you shouldn't be exposing your products to. Put a nice build on it and this entire thread wouldn't have happened!
  2. But in quantities, what does the number one 20" trials frame sell? Are we talking 100, 500 worldwide?
  3. Oh Joe, I couldn't possibly. I've already suggested possibilities, as have quite a few others. Jewish Racing Gold/Bronze wasn't on the list . It does surprise me that you only do batches of 50- is it not cheaper to go for something like 500 or so to ship world wide? Seems like a very small run but I guess if the price difference isn't much then fair do's. On another note, look at Inspired (I'm not biased at all...). Dave had a really good product (which Onza helped to get to the final stage). However he was very careful about colour choices, starting simple with black and white, before doing some consumer research (asking riders) about what other colours people would like to see resulting in the baby blue, brown and british racing green. Now in his defense he also has a good eye for aesthetics to start with but everything he's done has been really well received. Also the graphics and Inspired logo's are very carefully considered and compliment the frame's lines and simplicity well and by supplying the stickers seperately allows the riders to do precissely what they want with their frame. It's this care and consideration which seems to be lacking with the Onza line. Talking of Joe Seddon, rode with him yesterday and what he's done with his frame (raceline yellow highlighting the 'swoosh' of the downtube with raw) looks 100x better than the production version. It just seems like the colour and graphics are left purely to one person (Joe?) with no consultancy with anyone else.
  4. Did he really crash the Beemer into the ditch?
  5. I don't really know what Joe's involvment has been but at the end of the day Onza exist to sell trials bikes and frames. As said before, they could make the bestest frames in the world but if they aren't liked by the publlic (for whatever reason) then the whole things becomes pointless and that becomes even more silly if that reason is poor colour/graphics choice. The entire thing boils down to (not) learning from mistakes and completely ignoring the potential customers opinions. As said before I honestly want Onza to be very successful but they continue to make bad decisions.
  6. I'm gonna take a real stab in the dark here and say... No, what the hell are you talking about?
  7. I wouldn't go as far as that... It's a vaguely accepted sarcastic term for a pale gold car, started by Jeremy Clarkson I think.
  8. Fuuuuuck... If the numbers on Sheamus.co.uk are anything near accurate RATM had over half a million sales. Joe had around 450,000. Number 3? 61,000!! Two horse race anyone?!!
  9. I refuse to believe that no one else in the business (apart from the official charts co or whoever) know the chart positions until Radio 1 announce them... it must've been passed around on bits of paper and emails on the inside since this morning surely. Reeeeaaalllly hope RATM get it... Also good to see Shelter getting over £65,000 too.
  10. Looks so good with the seat up there. Deng would be proud.
  11. Pretty old school riding. Have seen more impressive flowy stuff from modern flatlanders...
  12. Good calls everyone! Have been to buy strawberry jam, pork roll, apple sauce, cheese and peanut butter... let the carnage begin .
  13. I have a new found hate for Scott Mills... 'Love you!'. f**k. Off.
  14. We just call ghem homers... for obvious reasons.
  15. There's not an aweful lot to it to be honest, especially when you're using a 203. There is some differrence in performance relatinng to the surface area of the rotor which actually contacts the pad surface. However, since you've got a 203 Avid it'd be the difference between 'shiiiiit that's strong' and 'fuuuuck that's strong' so not much in it . With regards the 200 rotor, don't forget that's the OD so you're actually only losing 1.5mm that the pad can grab and so in my mind a 200 rotor will be perfectly adequate. Basically, at the end of the day it comes down to aesthetics. Want a wavy rotor? Want a sawtooth rotor? Don't mind a round one? Just go with what you fancy but the price won't make much difference at all.
  16. Eeeewww . Peanut butter and jam... Any particular flavour of jam or does any work? Cheese and raisins... interesting! Just dry raisins? Cheese, jam(!) and S&V crisps is something I may have to try too but does sound proper weirdo .
  17. Ok, so this may be doomed for failure but I make sandwiches for work in the morning and have a very (VERY) narrow repertoire which consists of ham and cheese, corned beef... and that's about it. Basically open to suggestions for easy and quick to make sarnies that don't involve anything hot and won't have died a death by the time they're eaten 6 hours after making. Fire away .
  18. Well, there goes us not being as bad as he thought... Damnit and we were keeping up the friendly, helpful charade so well too.
  19. Is it a disc brake mount facing tool? I'd buy one of them if it was...
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