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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Me having issues with (apparently the majority of) Americans voting in a complete retard (twice) to the most powerful political seat in the world has nothing to do with any of those things except the failing of democracy when voting power is left to people who are just as retarded themselves... And don't even get me started on Sarah Palin.
  2. At present (I think) 24"'s aren't eligable in the 'big' comps- nationals, europeans, worlds etc but I'm already competing in the Hampshires on my Inspired so no reason why club trials would have a problem with it. However, that's missing the direction which trials seems to be going in the UK. The attendees at comps has gone down and down even though the number of riders seems to have increased overall. That basically means most people want to just have fun and ride what they want, whether that's rocks in a quarry or brick walls in town. I can definitely see there being a market for a more trialsy, mainstream 24" and if it utilised the Limey hydroformed tubing it would certainly be a pretty aesthetically pleasing frame. The bikes would most likely be completely in-betweeny bikes (that is between 20" and 26", but pretty focussed as a real trials 24"), set up to have fun on (but more in a trials way than an Inspired type bike). In betweeny setup of bars and stem, pretty lightweight, knobbly tires, standard trials gearing etc etc. to allow 'proper' trials riding to be done but with the bonus of having the flickability and fun factor of a 24". Your best bet would be to get a prototype made to roughly Kabra geo and take it from there with feedback from riders. Edit: Oh yeah, brake mounts. I think for proper trials use you'd definitely want a disc mount and I guess Magura mounts. You can easily go from 4-bolt to V-brake with adapters but it's a nightmare to go the other way from V-mounts to 4-bolt.
  3. I thought this was just a rebadged Inspired when I first looked at it (after I let my eyes readjust for the dazzle caused by Scott's chest) but on closer inspection it has a rear disc mount... Zoot street I'm assuming? A swoopy Limey 24" trials bike would be sweet to see too though. Now, now Mike, toys inside the pram please . Seriously though, give me a shout if you want a hand picking colours and graphics. Just kidding. But not really. Edit: As for the Limey, I guess this would be a reasonable starting point for geometry of a prototype. Slightly slacker head angle than a street 24", similar BB height (maybe a touch higher?) and a longer reach/WB. Nice and light using the same hydroformed style downtube on the 20 and 26" bikes, disc mounts and probably maggy mounts too and you're away. Edit 2: Geometry of the Kabra: WB: 1060mm Chainstays: 368mm BB Height: +60mm Head Angle: 71° From another Tribalzine page.
  4. Fair enough. It's a shame there isn't some sort of standard for singlepeed hubs/BB lengths/crank dimensions to help stop these sorts of problems. I guess there are just too many variables and possible combinations to account for. So, about that Limey 324...?
  5. Cool beans- sarcasm duly noted. I'll leave it at that. With regards those who like it, I can't really speak for anyone else but I'd guess they're mainly concentrating on the frame itself which is understandable. Obviously there will always be people who like the gold forks and spokes as well. They don't have bad taste, just 'different' tastes... In fact I think there's a picture of one of them at the top of page 3... Now we're finished in here, have a look here. Regardless of what's gone before in this thread that's in no way a dig at you, just that you guys are obviously the best ones to answer such questions. Exactly. Maybe I should've started with that stuff rather than saying it looked crap but it all boils down to the same thing encapsulated in Lukes post.
  6. And I'll bet you 80-90% of those were resprayed. As I said- it was an excellent frame but the colours were in poor taste. You'll find I've also made comments about the Ice and the Skull in other threads as both don't really work on a colour scheme/graphics level but that's by the by. The 2 tone generation... It's not about how many colours are used it's about the way their used and the proportions. Those are both pretty simple designs but stand out and seem to work with the frame designs. Not sure what you're getting at there. I didn't say BMXers have no taste I was saying that the fashions and styles which are acceptable in BMX are totally different to trials. Also BMXers have a few different camps- as well as the 'rat bike' camp there's also those who like their bike to look nice and those are the ones who would most probably be ok with the Inspired- both in design terms and also in colour terms, particularly the more interesting colours Dave's brought out since the first batch. Again, as said before, this one frame, on it's own, probably looks fine in the flesh and Captain Scarlet's one shows that it can make a pretty nice build. My comments about buying some taste etc were on the complete build at the start of this thread which make the bike look tacky, through both component choice and too much gold etc. As said above, I dare say if Ads had been given the task of doing a sample build it would've looked bloody brilliant. But regardless of my opinion, I don't think it'd be too hard for you (Onza) to say 'you know what, maybe we could exploit the shape of the frames more when it comes to graphics, we'll look into that'. Look at Joe Seddons yellow bike. It utilises a 'swoosh' similar to the '2 tone' jobbie above which just works far better with the frame shape than what you've done with the graphics on the current production version. The Skull is another one. The skull and crossbones could've worked with a bit of effort but the graphics on the production version just looks like an afterthought. At the end of the day I honestly think Onza could be even more successful if you just thought about these little things a bit more and took a leaf out of the Rockman, Koxx Sky book or whatever, particularly with the Pro Series. But then why would you listen to me? I'm just an argumentative online nobody who should be ignored at all costs.
  7. I did have to laugh when Joe Seddon suggested I seek sponsorship from Onza on the upcoming 24" bike... I have a feeling the bridges have been burnt there . Completely agree with all of that. There have been cases before where Mike and Joe started throwing insults etc around regarding frame designs (I think) and don't always manage to maintain a very professional image which would be fine if they went down the 'friendly British company who build bikes for the kids with relevant input' but instead often just come across (whether deliberate or not) as 'yeah, well we designed that 10 years before that company stole it from us' and don't seem to accept that the customers and riders may have something to offer. Couldn't agree more about the sample build either. If Ads had put together a pimp version of the frame for promotional purposes this whole shitstorm could've been avoided.
  8. Purely depends on what you prefer components wise. Rear freehubs mean the rear end will be a little heavier so the bike will be slightly less flicky. It tends to be cheaper to run a front freewheel but only if you already have a fixed rear hub and threaded cranks etc. Only real issue with front freewheels is their trouser diet but that's pretty much not a problem if you run a bashring.
  9. That's what student loans are for...
  10. When I used to use V's (and we're talking 10 years ago now although the theory's the same for u-brakes on BMXes) I'd just loosen the pad bolts, pull the brake lever and give the pads a bit of a shake to get them sitting right and then clamp them up while still holding the brake. Provided the whole assembly doesn't rotate in the arms you should be laughing!
  11. Yeah but the description is NOT of the (foreign) driver who crashed the R8. The guy who posted the description of Dan was simply saying his mate (Dan) has an R8 and can drive llike a tit sometimes. Read the thread, it'll all make sense.
  12. That's what run ups are for!
  13. The effect looks pretty good although I have a feeling you'd really need to change the rear hub pretty quickly if you're planning doing anything properly 'trialsy' and there are a few other things you might want to change in time. For £600 you could get a really nice Inspired second hand though which would be perfect and better specced from the off... up to you really!
  14. It's so funny how useless people are. Apparently in France, Germany etc. their news programs have stories about the English and how stupid they are when it snows. Can't blame them really...
  15. What's with soldiers making videos of action on their phones? If I was in charge I'd be seriously pissed off if a useful body were f**king about videoing what's going on instead of doing their job and avoiding being shot... In fact if I were there I'd be concentrating on not being shot rather than videoing stuff. I can understand messing around in camp and away from the action but surely when you're being shot at your mind should be on the job?
  16. Eggzilla says Raaar! I like your thinking- that would be sweet. You could have a family of Limey's...
  17. Damn you! Wrong answer . It worked for Christmas number 1...
  18. If it's not the colour you chose I hope you've negotiated a discount with the factory? Disc tabs? Excellent- everyone wanted them and you included them- doesn't make sense not to considering it's the way most frames are going these days, especially the top end compy frames. Weight- makes sense really. You just have to look at the comparable frames available on tarty at the moment to see that weight is a big thing and getting a nice balance of strength:weight is a basic requirement. Colour wise, I think as I said before, I'm guessing in person the frame alone probably looks ok, and the one with black rims built up by Captain Scarlet doesn't look too bad but again the graphics could've been designed to work with the lines of the frame a lot better (along the lines of what Seddon's done but with Onza logo's or whatever) and the pictures in the first post make it look like cheap and tacky, as a lot of people have said. I'm not alone in my opinion I'm just the one who's keeping at you trying to get a reasonable response. I'm starting (!) to get rude because I'm repeating myself over and over (along with comments from a lot of others in this thread (and that Cleaner)) and at no point have you or Mike taken a step back and said 'ok, maybe next time we'll make sure the frames come back the colour we ordered/we'll be having words with the factory/maybe we could spend a bit more time on graphics' Mike just keeps telling me Onza designed every frame in the world and you didn't even mention it wasn't the colour it was supposed to be until halfway through the thread... I've tried to be fairly constructive but this doesn't seem to have been taken on board in the slightest.
  19. Survey says... . Trialtech carbon.
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