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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Would look a lot better if the green brakes went red. Or raw. I know it's Christmas but otherwise red and green should never be seen... Also agree with 315r- mirror finish would look the dogs.
  2. They lterally can't cope with snow or ice down here, Southern fairies brains just seem to stop working at the first sign of it and they immediately steer towards the first solid thing they see!
  3. Have you ever used a water bleed? I've run water (pure tap water not even distilled) in my brakes for the past... 8 years? Never bother with any maintainence, never had any problem with seals, never use any antifreeze (bike's kept in my garage and never freezes) plus you get a really solid lever feel which has a much lighter action than maggy fluid. Win, win, win .
  4. Yeah, if you meet him again keep an eye on where his hands are...
  5. The M27 westbound's closed because of about a 30 car pile up. It didn't seem that bad going East but there you go. All the side roads in Southampton are completely sheet ice as well though- when I came in no one could get up any of the hills, there were vans in hedges, buses stuck dead and pedestrians struggling to stay on their feet! Go Hampshire council! Useless bast...
  6. There's a slight difference between the (lack of) abuse DHers give their bash rings and what trials riders need them for though.
  7. Afraid when I see a bunch of squadies out I think 'bunch of wankers' and then turn around before the inevitable fight starts... Probably unfair but then broken knuckles and nose sound about right!
  8. It's the Zoot street and is in the 2010 lineup in a modified state. But don't bother with the bolt-on seat option like the Zoot.
  9. Yeah man, I always feel so sorry for the poor insurance companies... cheating wastes of space that they are. The score with healthcare in the UK is that everone who works pays National Insurance (basically a tax). That then covers (in theory) the state old age pension and the whole 'National Health Service' which pays for alcoholics to get new livers, treats chain smokers for lung cancer and pays for the odd gender reallocation surgery among other things. Ok, selling it really short and that's unfair but it is a bit weird. So yes, we all pay for our health service in one way or another but when you need something done, no matter how costly, it'll be free on the NHS.
  10. I'd go with that. Combined with it being one ugly lump which I'd rather not have on my bike I think it would die very quickly if you ever went to bash.
  11. Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. F**k off was he a fine president! The guy's a complete moron! Have you seen Farenheit 9/11. Ignoring the majority of the propaganda that Michael Moore comes out with (easy to believe but we won't go there) have you seen the footage of when Bush was told about the 9/11 attacks? Or that shot of him on holiday somewhere 'Now watch this drive'. The guy was a grade A fanny. Pure and simple. He doesn't know his arse (sorry, ass) from his elbow, let alone what he was supposed to stand for. Well, besides invading the odd country, stealing their oil and making sure that any company which he or his family/friends had an interest in made a few hundred million dollars out of it. Great, upstanding man.
  12. Not really bothered about an Inspired 26"- I'm quite happy with my 24"! But why not do both? Trialsy 24" AND a streety 26".
  13. The thing with weight saving is that, as you say, if you only change one thing and save 50g it's not really worth it. However, the difference comes when you do everything you can which can turn a 10kg bike into an 8.5kg or 9kg bike which, if you think of it over the course of an entire trial competition, especially at the pointy end, can make a significant difference. The other side of it is that losing say 500g from your rear tire will transform the feeling of the bike (and 500g anywhere else on the bike will still make a considerable difference to fatigue levels through a comp) whereas not wearing a 500g hoody will make virtually no difference to your performance.
  14. Hehe, the old school streety 24"'s are thinking of going more new school trialsy while the new school 26" trialsers want to go old school streety!
  15. Why would that be in anyone's interests? Except of course to try and make Bush feel a little better about his cognitive capacity which is probably comparable to a goldfish...
  16. Ooooh... 22" rear wheel with a fat ass mod like tyre and 24" front... Too expensive and restrictive to produce I know but interesting concept nonetheless.
  17. My guess would be Monty shoes but I'm not sure if they still make them...
  18. I still don't get where "fascism, communism, socialism and all of that" come in to any of this... I'm not quite convinced that the government are entirely to blame for education levels though either- at the risk of being shot down the fact that an awful lot of Americans seem to be quite strong believers in Christianity and are 'God fearing' in itself means that an awful lot are also pretty gullible, too quick to accept what they're told and don't question things enough. Getting too close to discussing that silly cow pictured above so will stop there.
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