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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I've had this conversation with Andy Green (Comic Book Guy) before- we reckon the best bet would to be to have a completely separate brand (like Zona but maybe a little less obvious!) to release the Pro Series under and leave Onza as the more mainstream and more budget/beginner bikes. Would make lots of marketing sense in my opinion. P.S. Frame looks quite interesting, look forward to seeing some more pics as a full build and maybe a bit of colour/decals.
  2. Oh, and banners@trials-for... (Before Danny or Tomturd do it )
  3. Yup that's the sort of thing that pisses me off Ashley! Merry Christmas you cock .
  4. But from what I've seen Obama actually has a brain... And the other bloke had Sarah Palin as his deputy- biggest mistake ever? I think so. To be honest there's no way I'd live in the States and to be honest I'm going to try my best not to visit at all... You'll be glad to hear!! Anyway, you're right. Happy Christmas to everyone and enjoy Hogmanay/New Year or whatever you guys celebrate!
  5. But the next time they catch you it'll be another £50. If you were to be fined every time you did it it'd soon get bloody expensive...
  6. I expect it to be extinguished and put in a bin... Chucking it on the street is littering and you may as well be chucking your food wrappers cans and whatever else on the pavement. Both are inconsiderate and piss me off .
  7. 27 and been riding for about 12 years. Am better now than I've ever been although I don't necessarily do as silly things as I used to but still go bigger dimension-wise.
  8. I wouldn't complain about it but you'd certainly get a glare if you chucked your butt down in the street .
  9. You say that but the way US Presidents are elected is pretty gay if you ask me. There is nothing to do with what the 'party' believes in or what they're going to do for the country and all about spending the most money in a pathetic popularity contest. It makes me cringe so much when I see all those morons whooping and cheering for someone they've probably been paid to cheer for. Plus if you think about it, Bush was elected in even though he's a total moron. That means that the majority of those who voted picked him. Making the majority of voters retards. That just wouldn't happen in the UK. In fact he'd never get near the head of the party because someone would step in and tell them there's no chance they'd ever be elected in so maybe they should find a different career... Not sure what you're getting at with the Blair comment but Tony Blair was a well educated, well spoken guy who you could believe kinda knew what he was talking about and what was going on. I don't think Bush could add 7 and 5 together unless he was wearing sandals.
  10. Dunno about the car but it would certainly be much easier if we all had a steel cable towing us everywhere...
  11. Link. With Deng now on the 24" train there's a good choice including the Trialtechs of course.
  12. There are loads of options. Just have a look at the 24" MTB tyres on Tarty or Chain Reaction. Kenda Blue Grooves are great but fairly heavy, Maxxis make (made?) 2.5" Slow Reezay High Roller's and now do 2.7"s I think. Depends what you want really but I'm sure there are enough out there to stop it from being an issue.
  13. You can still read the topics about rides so you know when and where a ride is happening and roughly who will be there. To get validated you just need to put a little more effort into your posts. Silly things like capital letters at the start of sentences and using the spell checker will help things go faster.
  14. Another article (only in French) on the Kabra. Interestingly they've gone for a +60 BB and 71 HA.
  15. Has the design changed at all since the initial forks? There seemed to be a trend of them cracking at the rim brake mounts from what I gather (and my own experience with some second hand ones). I think so... with less people doing comps it leaves everyone just riding for fun on the street. A 24" trials rig wouldn't be a super light comp 26" bike and wouldn't be a crazy looking hoppy 20" bike but would be the perfect 'having fun riding trials' bike. Now I do that on my Inspired anyway (never really got into the more BMXey type riding) but I can still see a market for a 24" trials bike and the Limey's are pretty...
  16. Our taxes seem to be spent paying for immigrants to be housed and fed, paying for politicians (frozen) duck ponds and moats and invading other countries and waging war rather thab buying such ingenious contraptions. Priorities? Who needs em'?
  17. I still don't get the advantage, even on a normal freeride bike. Ok so you gain a bit of ground clearance but that's not an issue for 99% of MTBers. It only seems to be an enclosed system instead of an open derraileur but the ugliness of it seems to outweigh any possible benefit...
  18. I've done it with brand new brakes as well as older one's and it always improves the lever 'lightness' and feel.
  19. You might as well try- water's free (pretty much) after all! You can always rebleed with mineral oil if you don't like it. Maintenance wise, I never bleed for the sake of it, only if I have the brake off because I'm painting my frame or replacing the TPA or something. I probably bleed it once a year if that. I've never actually tried antifreeze. Because I've never had a problem with my brake freezing I don't think it's worth the risk of damaging seals with nasty chemicals so just run tap water. Give it a go- you never know you might like it! I don't work there (if I did I probably couldn't advise you to run water because I imagine officially it voids warranty ) I just ride for them .
  20. There aren't that many (new) frames available that would meet your needs. The current trend of streety 24"'s like the Inspired are your best bet at the moment however the 2010 Pashley range could be quite interesting considering their new rider lineup... Otherwise you could track down something like a Planet-X Zebdi, Onza Woodstock or even and old Pashley MHz! Validation vote added by the way .
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