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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. What's the problem though? It replaces a chainset with two rings and a front derraileur which work perfectly! The only problem I can see it solving is when using a chain guide with twin ring setup on freeride bikes, but dual ring chain guides exist (I think) so it's still not really a problem... I'm definitely missing something here!
  2. I don't doubt they haven't had a major failure in 6 years but I bet they haven't given one to a trials rider who actually uses the bashring. It would be like running front freewheel without a bash and then gapping to a rock onto the freewheel itself- all the forces are going straight into a load of planetary gears, pawls, bearings etc. and I very much doubt it'd last more than a week under proper trials conditions. Oh yeah, and it's also butt ugly, looks quite heavy and is also pretty much useless on a trials bike! On a 'proper' street rig, all mountain bike or whatever I can see a small use for it but on a trials bike (even a 24" street-trials) I'd rather just run a rear mech and a couple of gears at the back... I just don't get it!
  3. Moi? Noooo, I'm sure you have me confused with someone else...
  4. But then so does "monkeysee..." Oh, wait...
  5. In theory yes with the mark 2 Fourplay. When that happens though I have no idea.
  6. Nope, definitely not working here at the moment... might be something funny with the Uni server I guess. Will try tonight from home.
  7. Is Rush not a moderator on OTN? I'm sure he was fairly senior (maybe just old with lots of posts ). Sorry Tom, feel free to lock this thread and permaban all the OTN refugees... See how they like dem apples .
  8. Echo site seems to be down at the mo.
  9. I'm confused by Rush's comments... is he calling us or the OTN refugees white trash? Is he calling us or the OTN lot ridiculously undereducated? If it's us I'd have to disagree... Considering it was the Yanks who were supporting Bush, Sarah Palin and telling us their government is trying to become a forced closed state who are deliberately dumbing down the population while telling us we're a bunch of Commies. Meh.
  10. Been on Tarty for a couple of weeks. Let us know what the rear hub's like as on first glance it looks like a weak link...
  11. To be fair, that was second hand and most likely fooked before you got it...
  12. I've been running one for the past 5 months or so and really like it. I used Kool chains for years which have a 1300kg rating and the Lite is 1200kg which is still plenty beefy enough in my mind. You're losing less than 8% in overall 'strength' while being over 10% lighter which makes it worth a go.
  13. Fackinell... day off tomorrow maybe .
  14. I want to see the first frame they produced that was so bad they decided to not make anything for the following 3 years!
  15. Talk about slow! Kenny will have the DVD out before episode 3's up .
  16. Was up in the Peak District over New Year. Little bit of snow in the hills...
  17. +1,000,000,000,000,000,000. We all know you have a real talent for design so get them sorted!
  18. I'm not quite sure about the 'seat tube'. Kinda looks out of place a little because it almost looks like it's a continuation of the toptube and it's also not quite attached to the BB etc... It looks like a right bitch to wels too! At the risk of copying Koxx and lots of other frames out there I'd be tempted to try something a little more 'standard' to openn the frame up a bit and give it a less solid look, either with one central tube or twin smaller tubes. Sorry for the lack of Paint skillz. Becomes...
  19. You sound like a right little wanker. Please excuse the French.
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