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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. "The Islamic Golden Age or the Islamic Renaissance, is traditionally dated from the 8th to 13th centuries A.D." It appears at that point the world of Islam just stopped... So many of their beliefs, customs and laws seem to be similar to how we were in the dark ages. Purely picking up on the way they treat their women is just unbelievable in this day and age. That and Shariah law are enough for me to hate the concept of islam more than they hate Kurt Westergaard. Did anyone see any of 'Mulsim Driving School' on BBC 2 last night? Seriously, if I saw her: Driving towards me in a city somewhere I'd want to get the hell out of there sharpish! Islamophobic and proud .
  2. And whose fault is that? Yup, ours thanks to 'missionaries'... Maybe without that they would still be evil 'savages' believing in harmless gods in the stars or earth rather than killing each other for arguing whether Jesus went to Cambridge or Oxford... See, you say that, but then I just think about all that shite that happened when the cartoon of Muhammad with a bomb in his turban. Those weren't 'extremist' terrorists burning danish flags and demanding that the Danish government execute the guy, those were your normal average muslims from what I could tell. They've just been programmed to massively overreact on command and have literally zero idea of humour. Pillars of society right there .
  3. DO IT!! When was the last time you saw a Buddhist being offended by a Christmas tree or demanding that they must be allowed to wear sandals and shave their head otherwise they'll sue their employer/government/parent? Never because there may actually be some logical reasoning to what they do rather than just praying blindly 20 times a day because they were told to... Buddhism doesn't seem to be as much a religion as a way of thinking and training the mind from what I can see (therefore I don't hate it like most religions ).
  4. And don't forget that the money all went to a good cause...
  5. Pah! You can keep your beryllium comp bike. I had Pete Wright make me a frame from Unobtainium a couple of years back which was filled with helium...
  6. Well the usually used Ti6Al-4Vn is 90% Ti so I was a touch off but most of the research is chasing superior properties rather than reducing density I'd have thought. Titanium is an excellent base but by adding alloying elements you can tune the properties to improve how the material reacts in high temperature/stress etc environments but you wouldn't expect any titanium alloy to be 50% lighter than pure Ti...
  7. That doesn't really hold true... the weight of pure titanium does say something because any titanium alloy will still be ~98% Ti and similarly and aluminium alloy will be ~98% Al (guestimates but probably not far out). The elemental density is therefore going to be fairly close to what you end up with.
  8. The comparitive density of different materials isn't the whole story by a long way though. Sure aluminium is lighter than steel but to get the same approximate strength in something like a bike frame you have to use far more aluminium and so frame weights start to converge more than you'd think if you just looked at density on its own. Likewise if you want something made from carbon fibre you need to use a lot more of it than aluminium and also probably need to use some kind of sandwich again adding to the weight in order to obtain acceptable properties.
  9. I still think it's big, ugly, heavy (I guess), stupidly expensive and all but pointless on a trials bike of any kind... But that's just me .
  10. What's the problem though? It replaces a chainset with two rings and a front derraileur which work perfectly! The only problem I can see it solving is when using a chain guide with twin ring setup on freeride bikes, but dual ring chain guides exist (I think) so it's still not really a problem... I'm definitely missing something here!
  11. I don't doubt they haven't had a major failure in 6 years but I bet they haven't given one to a trials rider who actually uses the bashring. It would be like running front freewheel without a bash and then gapping to a rock onto the freewheel itself- all the forces are going straight into a load of planetary gears, pawls, bearings etc. and I very much doubt it'd last more than a week under proper trials conditions. Oh yeah, and it's also butt ugly, looks quite heavy and is also pretty much useless on a trials bike! On a 'proper' street rig, all mountain bike or whatever I can see a small use for it but on a trials bike (even a 24" street-trials) I'd rather just run a rear mech and a couple of gears at the back... I just don't get it!
  12. Moi? Noooo, I'm sure you have me confused with someone else...
  13. But then so does "monkeysee..." Oh, wait...
  14. In theory yes with the mark 2 Fourplay. When that happens though I have no idea.
  15. Nope, definitely not working here at the moment... might be something funny with the Uni server I guess. Will try tonight from home.
  16. Is Rush not a moderator on OTN? I'm sure he was fairly senior (maybe just old with lots of posts ). Sorry Tom, feel free to lock this thread and permaban all the OTN refugees... See how they like dem apples .
  17. Echo site seems to be down at the mo.
  18. I'm confused by Rush's comments... is he calling us or the OTN refugees white trash? Is he calling us or the OTN lot ridiculously undereducated? If it's us I'd have to disagree... Considering it was the Yanks who were supporting Bush, Sarah Palin and telling us their government is trying to become a forced closed state who are deliberately dumbing down the population while telling us we're a bunch of Commies. Meh.
  19. Been on Tarty for a couple of weeks. Let us know what the rear hub's like as on first glance it looks like a weak link...
  20. To be fair, that was second hand and most likely fooked before you got it...
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