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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The blue with white looks really good- nice colour co-ordination between all the parts and the graphics etc and the Blade looks really good too with nice fresh graphics and again nice co-ordination with the bronzy/gold components. The riser bars also make a surprising difference to the aesthetics compared to the old polished flat Onza bars of old.
  2. I'm shocked and very pleasantly surprised!! These are a huge step forwards for Onza in terms of colour schemes and graphics. Good job Joe!
  3. PETERHEED!! Hehe, I grew up riding half of that stuff!
  4. I don't get the weirdheadposition.com ness... Looks like his heads in a fairly central normal kinda position to me!
  5. Only know one guy from around here who used to run one and I think he blew it up about 3 times in a year... That was on a Limey 26" I think but from what I gather the 135mm spaced hubs are worth staying clear from.
  6. 'Tune in next week for another exciting episode...' It's an apple, what do you expect? I'm just surprised it lets you view trials-forum at all without asking you to install iTunes first...
  7. 1998 Beta Techno with a bit of a change...
  8. 'Time doesn't heal' would be the correct way of saying that statement, 'Time don't heal' being a more 'street' version. However, the old saying is 'time heals all wounds' if that makes any difference to you...
  9. I ran a peg on the back of my Inspired for a while just for a laugh. Started by just using extra along 'unbreakable' bolts but because they were only M6 I thought it'd be a better idea to make a proper axle so turned up a custom stainless axle with proper M10 threads on the end to accept the peg. Worked fine, didn't snap the frame and was good fun! Didn't get in the way at all (if you're going to hit a peg while sidehopping you're doing something wrong) and just opened up the odd feeble or stall. In the end I didn't use it enough so took it off but just go for it! Vimeo Video -> Original Video
  10. I did once but felt guilty for the guy who then had to go through all the insurance claims etc to get his money back for something that wasn't his fault. I did complain enough to get the postie moved onto a different route though. f**ker knows not to mess now I tells you!
  11. You got your parcels didn't you? Sheesh. My postie went through a great time when he'd regularly leave my parcels on the doorstep (people walking past all day) regardless of whether a signature was required or not...
  12. Especially the premium services like Saturday express deliveries. It'll be too late now but you probably could've picked it up from the depot today rather than get it redelivered on Monday but... too late.
  13. Unfortunately I think it's down to Mr Hope deciding that the team kit would be that lovely shade of mucus green...
  14. + ∞[/thread]. Just to address beigemaster I completely agree with Tony- it's not a 'straw man argument' it's just the realisation by modern, educated people that there is little or no need for the illogical babblings of a book which for some reason has maintained a following. I must say after all your learned points and structured arguments I'm really quite disappointed to find out that you are a 'believer'. Ah well, that''s just me being narrow minded. Even if you were to believe that Bejus existed as described in the bible, turned water to wine and carried out hundreds of true miracles there has been absolutely zero evidence since that time even remotely pointing to the existence of 'God' and to be fair, if there is a 'God' then the only evidence points to him being a proper ©unt.
  15. I think he meant that because they use pinchbolts, with the bolts loose in theory the tolerances should be such that the crank arm will smoothly slide onto the BB axle without too much drama... In theory.
  16. I'm still sticking with legit firstly because they use his name (sure, his email's alexdark2, but no way phishers personalise each email they send out), second they have all the Paypal adverts down the bottom with promo codes, thirdly the legit email (I assume it came from info.paypal.co.uk which is legit) and finally because it's supported by what the real Paypal site says. But as Tomturd says, hovering over a link will tell you that it's legit straight away . Edit: and finally because I've just found a message I deleted the other day from paypal@info.paypal.co.uk exactly like that offering me a Paypal Mastercard which is 100% legit.
  17. Think Alex typed it wrong... Yar says I!
  18. The email's from paypal@info.paypal.co.uk not paypal@paypal.info.co.uk I think. Legit says I.
  19. Actually, that looks legit to me. No phishing scam will ever know your name (Hello Alex Dark). Quick search leads to this which seems to support what it's saying. Interesting.
  20. I think (guess) the only people who don't get charged/pay fees are charity donations. They'd be seriously messed up if they took 10% of everyones donations...
  21. Not sure if this has been posted before: Sky News interview and clips.
  22. Nah, if you send a gift, you get the choice of paying for the fees yourself so the person you're sending it to actually gets the total amount. Someone has to pay fees though! As said, I smell a phish...
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