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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. "Badly damaged"... badly damaged? It's been levelled!!
  2. Mine are always an absolute bitch to come off. My Eno removal tabs are pretty much destroyed from failed attempts, even with the tool being bolted on!
  3. Most important thing is to bolt the removal tool to the freewheel through the cranks. Otherwise you're never going to manage. Once that's done it's a case of getting a ton of leverage on it- as shown in the Tarty video (although I'm guessing the one in the video hadn't been on the crank and used for a few years prior to filming that- I reckon there would be a lot more swearing and fighting with it if so!).
  4. M5 if it's 4 bolt maggy mount though...
  5. It should do- the tensioner mounts to the derraileur hanger rather than anything to do with the hub axle/bolts. You may have to fiddle round with the location of your sprocket on the hub as the tensioner doesn't have any adjustment.
  6. Cool beans, wasn't sure if I was being dense and not seeing the tab or link or whatever at the top of the forum page.
  7. Sorry if this has already been asked but how do you get to the Wiki from the main forum? Apart from clicking through on Tomturd's signature of course .
  8. Whatever happened to the IRC minuteman tyres? I used to love those... had to buy them from Tim@Trialsin of course but they were still awesome .
  9. You missed the 'QFT', Ben . Anyway, go to your female! Now they really are unimaginably complex creatures... and after all, "The devil, my friends, is a woman just now. 'Tis a woman that reigns in Hell."
  10. Fair enough but you can't deny that 99% (guestimate) of Christians take the religion at face value believing in Jesus as a miracle working son of God (the guy upstairs with the beard) and consider that by being Christian they should secure themselves a place on a cloud with a harp and a halo? Of course there will be those who read deeper into it all and consider the true meaning behind the Bible and its teachings but at the end of the day I would guess that most are simply sheep following what they've been brought up to believe. I guess it is that majority which pisses me off- those who don't question or look around them to consider things for themselves.
  11. But that's it- they all had to originate from 'Christ'. At the very best he was just a regular dude standing up for the rights of the oppressed. There was no 'God' or miracles involved, that's just all tall tales. As such anyone who identifies themselves as Christian must believe to some degree that of all the bits of the Bible they don't believe, they do believe that Christ was the son of a 'God'. By definition I therefore don't see any merit in Christianity as it is built on a foundation of lies, deceit and fairy tales. Now that almost certainly wasn't the way it was supposed to be considered by the authors but now I would hope we've progressed far enough to realise that just maybe it leaves something to be desired in terms of explaining the origin of life and the unanswered questions... With regards science being our saviour, I don't think we really deserve a saviour! Sooner or later something's going to happen which may well result in the extinction of our species. Maybe when nature rebuilds itself and evolves into semi-intelligent beings they'll make a better job of things than we have!
  12. But Christianity, any denomination or manifestation, has to be derived from the Bible. I think I've been fairly clear about my thoughts on that subject . As has been said many times before, any failing in Science is considered, researched and the concepts change and evolve to take into account the new information. Christianity simply cannot claim that. It seems unable to even slightly deviate from the bible's basis because to do so would go against everything that Christians base their belief system on. I'm certainly not saying 'the concept of a God (read first cause or whatever you fancy) is BS', I'm reiterating that the deeper we get into the philosophy, physics, astronomy etc of the Universe, the further we get from anything which is mentioned in the Bible and as such further from Chrisitanity. Edit: I know I'm not very good at getting my thoughts across on here without coming across like a bit of an arrogant arse but the way I see it the author's of the Bible tried to explain the unanswered questions about life, the Universe and everything. That was fine but you'd think that in this day and age we've moved on enough to realise that, to be fair, the whole thing's just a bunch of fictional stories to try to answer questions that the people of the time had no way of investigating or understanding. I think if someone was to consider the possibilities of the origin of the Universe (and not just the big bang but the possible 'first cause' or whatnot) we wouldn't start righting about a beardy guy in the sky, his magician son who came back to life etc. because it would be laughed off straight away. It would sound as stupid as the story of Xenu and the Thetans. It is in that respect that I think of the Bible (and hence the basis of Christianity) as BS.
  13. Yeah yours is the Tibo XS mod version . I'd say it's pretty rare (possibly more so in the UK than France?) but not necessarily very desirable/valuable except to quite a specific person!
  14. The Vario Tibo XL with the Ashtonesque seat/mudguard was my dream frame back in the day. Mototrials style for the win!
  15. Hehe, Graham Swinerd's office is just up the corridor from mine at Soton Uni. All that's all well and good but it in no possible shape or form goes any way to support the Bible's version of God. The whole carbon based lifeform thing doesn't really hold much significance to me- it wouldn't surprise me in the slightest if there are other lifeforms out there which are silicon based who breath nitrogen or anything else based on any other combination of elements which just 'works' for the particular situation which they find themselves in. I hear you/them but Christianity is still without question BS.
  16. Sounds better to me than spending eternity sitting on a throne praising God...
  17. So why the hell(!) do 2.1 BILLION people want to believe in him and supposedly follow the teachings of the bible?!! It's completely moronic. The only possible sense in it is to follow him because if you don't he'll smite you down and bring pestilence and famine to the world. Sounds like a pretty crap way to live your life to me.
  18. But in some ways why does it need to be more than a 'stick man argument'? If someone told me my car could fly I'd say 'don't be stupid, no it can't, I know it can't'. That's a stickman argument but in the cirumstances I don't think there'd be much need to expand on that. I know that's an over simplification but at the end of the day it is fairly close to my thoughts on the matter at hand. I'm glad you'll get there. Time heals all wounds after all . I told you he was an unt©. Edit: "The fourth living creature was like a flying eagle" (with six wings but covered in eyes of course). That would be like telling a snake that he'd have to crawl on his belly for the rest of his days. Oh, wait...
  19. The other option would be to buy some U channel in the correct width and then modify to the right height before welding on some plate to box it in. Would give the required 'tube' at a push...
  20. We use Smiths Metal Centres at work... probably worth a ring. They seem to stock 1.5" x 0.75" 16SWG in 6082... any use?
  21. Was just trying to be polite to Martyn (and Rowan)... but you're right- it's going to blow the Effect out the water.
  22. Sounds really good. Could put the Ashton full build to shame!
  23. Gotta disagree there. Zoot looks really good and looking forward to seeing the Limey 24 which would be the seatless proper trialsy version... Noooooooooooooooooooooooo... Pivotal BMX seats for the win.
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