That's usually because the individual referenced clips or music aren't in the same place that they orginaally were and so Movie Maker throws a wobbly. Is anything on a USB stick or external HDD? Make sure that these are still allocated the same drive letter etc. Just check where it's looking for the clips and check they're still there.
Bent BB? Unlikely especially if ISIS. Loose crank and the chain tightening has pulled it to a funny angle? Bent/twisted crank arm? Any big drops recently?
I was speaking to a student today who's moving out to Texas to work. He was telling me about how the local basketball stadium (as in seats a few thousand) has been turned into a 'church'. Everyone who attends is basically pressured into donating 10% of their earnings to the church. Even the kids will give 10% of their pocket money to them! On Sundays they run something stupid like 6 services to accomodate everyone who wants(?!) to attend. It really is one of the most retarded things I've ever heard. The people who run the church must be literally rolling in money! As L Ron Hubbard "You wanta make real money, you gotta start a religion!".
I don't suppose you can expect much more from people who don't teach evolution in schools and can carry concealed guns with them if they fancy...
Big lols at McLaren using the driver as a sneaky movable aerodynamic device! Also quite amusing that since it's integral to the monocoque that the other teams are going to be a bit scewed trying to copy it quickly.
Ok, ok, I get it... I'm the token old dude (along with Mike Steidley who was on the cover of an Observed Trials Magazine riding by a river in... 1998?!!). I guess it's lucky that I actually do act my shoe size rather than my age...