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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Have you considered reducing the height of the seatpost slightly on the Zoot? The ability to slam the seat is unusually important to some/mmost! Built in pivotal is the way forward but the total height needs to be considered...
  2. Pivotal is basically a design standard so you can put any pivotal saddle on there. I think you're wrong there (they look bloody similar) but that's by the by. Danny Mac uses an Inspired seat. Using one makes you ride like Danny. True fact.
  3. Is the axle threaded for cup and cone type unsealed bearings? If so that might be fairly easy to get hold of from a local bike shop. I would have thought it would just be steel though rather than anything fancy like titanium but could be wrong... if you post up a pic of the dead axle it may be easier to help . Edit: Now that's oldskool!!
  4. That's not right... The first set of signature frames were blue 16" Beasts of the East but there was a second version with a 14" frame as well which was available for a couple of years. Don't think the white fade ones were ever released though- team only. Spec wise it's all about the red Beast of the East... Sun rims, triple colour Flite saddle, IRC tyres, Triple Trap pedals, CODA cranks etc etc. Chainspotting relived. I might actually kill to own a replica of that bike!
  5. Do they have a fleet of secret (possibly stealth) Concordes? That really is silly. Especially for £11!
  6. ORLY? Modified for only one pawl engaging at a time or proto? I'm determined to get a Hope rear hub at some point so I can relive the end credit section of Chainspotting with Mart on the random thin wall... Is that sad?...
  7. Brakeless and a Stealth hub... quietest trials bike ever?!
  8. Looks like John uses a Thompson Elite stem, looks about 90mm x 5 degrees with those snap happy bars...
  9. I've been running an Easton EA50 90mm x 20° for about 18 months with Easton hi-rise bars and get on really well with the setup. I am running about 25-30mm of stackers too though.
  10. Yeah. Could be a chipped scaphoid or something. I left it a couple of days when I broke mine (actually had broken one of the main bones in the forearm as well) until my hand was about twice the size it should've been. Went to see the nurse at the GP's and she told me I should probably have gone straight to A&E 2 days ago... meh.
  11. There's definitely something weird going on with the 'views' numbers... doesn't seem to register correctly.
  12. Sounds fooked. Sounds like somethings damaged in the caliper body stopping the bleed screw from fully seating and allowing it to leak...
  13. Sneaky sneaky... Is that a question?
  14. So much cooler than the Fly Ruuben bash...
  15. So much nicer than the silver and black ones .
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SZnQKhel5Q
  17. Orrr people called Joe who can ride it better than his Limey 320!!
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