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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. You dare to question the awesome trials knowledge that is the Tarty Bikes crew?! Fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again. Seriously though, if they told you it will fit, chances are it'll work.
  2. I meant that I think it was sarcasm on Chris's part. Just spent 20 seconds getting himself set up, didn't make the move and then just gave a half hearted 'time please' in a semi sarcastic/funny voice rather than due to exertion. That's all.
  3. To be honest I'd say that was more sarcasm seeing as he'd been stationary setting up for the previous 20 seconds... Crazy how far things have come on. The yellow route these days is insane.
  4. I thought so! Paul from Stonehaven rode both sizes at some point from what I remember. In fact the frame in Aberdeen could well have been bought by him... That would've been around 2000/2001 I guess. Edit: Just in case anyone's interested- Ashton on eBay.
  5. But luckily doesn't really matter at all if you're brakeless. Win. Haha, so you're not planning going back to brakes ever then? Brave man!
  6. Should be ok because of the awesomeness of PVA glue.
  7. Lols... And tyre clearance to seat is measured in...? Picometres?
  8. Welcome. Now please leave. Edit: Ohmygosh it already exists.
  9. I'm not convinced by that argument myself. Considering the diameter and depth of the respective pawls and bodies I'd say the actual contact areas are probably pretty similar... As has been said many a time, until someone who can actually ride trials properly gives the I9 a go and provides some feedback I'll be unconvinced. Especially if the best evidence that comes up is that they work brilliantly for XC, freeriding and BMX. Different. Kettle. Of. Fish. And what a weird saying that is...
  10. Is he wearing a binbag for trousers? Fashion smashion...
  11. Isn't that kinda like grooming?... STRANGER DANGER!
  12. As are the dropouts and they don't have disc mounts either. Apart from that... But yeah, I don't think I'd be using them on a trials bike and I doubt there's much point anyway. Except for the bling thing of course...
  13. Agreed. And even then... doe it really matter that much?
  14. Hehe, just watched it again and... yeah I forgot about that bit!
  15. Makes me want to put some sus forks on the Inspired and go play!! Awesome stuff .
  16. Except that they look nothing like those...
  17. Link. Not sure which ones those are for sale though.
  18. You've got me doubting myself now... anyone confirm or deny the allegations of a 14" version of the Ashton replica frame? I thought he was saying on the London ride last year that he didn't keep any of them (though he wished he had). Or was that just the blue proper signature ones rather than the red Beast of the Easts? Are you suggesting I kill Martyn for it?...
  19. Mmkay. The video's like watching MTV while having an epileptic fit and hardly shows the roofed bike...
  20. Well that makes it much clearer. A bike with a roof? Is that what that video was showing? Seriously?
  21. If it were me I'd just use that standard axle and get the cups and cones to suit the thread. It's by far the easiest option and for the sake of the difference I don't think it'd be worth the hassle of sourcing an exact replacement for the old one. Edit: Being Spanish the axle could well be a metric M8 thread...
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