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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Unfortunately there are far too few representatives to actually vote for... It's only if you're lucky enough to havea OMRLP candidate that you can give them the chance!
  2. To be honest I imagine taxes will be going up regardless who gets in. Maybe the Tories were the only ones who are actually willing to admit it?... I can't stand that thing Brown does with his mouth so would never vote for him/Labour. Good reason, no? I've actually been fairly impressed with the Lib Dem dude (what little I've seen of him). I know it's almost impossible for them to get in but it would be interesting if they did!
  3. You'll either need to upload the images to something like imageshack or photobucket and then use the 'Insert Image' button when you post to link to the pictures or you can attach them using the Attachments section down the bottom of the posting screen. Does that make any sense to anyone?
  4. That's not good parenting in my book. In fact I'd call it bad parenting and asking for trouble.
  5. Oooh, oooh, I know this one! Is it... option 1?
  6. I'm pretty certain the thread wasn't pulled because Tom went weak at the knees and got all sensitive... The average age on here is something like 15 but there are some younger members down to 10-12 I guess (I'm 28 so going by the maths there must be some 2 year olds as well... that's how it works isn't it?). They really ought not to be exposed to that sort of stuff. They'd only be a google search away from finding some very gross and in some places truly sick things which to be honest nobody ought to be exposed to! A lot of those sorts of things also have pretty innocent sounding names too so the search is likely to bring up something rather unexpected. As with anything these days, the mods and admin on here have a certain 'duty of care' to protect the users and forum itself from things that could damage either. In that respect there was no way that discussion could continue in my mind.
  7. Agreed. That thread was doomed for closure, especially on a forum frequented mainly by teenage boys.
  8. I've now had mine for two and a half years and there's not a single sign of trouble. Ash Kennard slammed the downtube into a sharp brick wall when it was a few days old and even that hasn't caused any long term issues... thankfully for Ash's face.
  9. Yeeeeees. I've been riding for over 12 years and I've never had a bike that I've felt so comfortable on. Provided you get it set up nicely you'll love it! Still really good for 'proper' trials but allows for the more fun, spinny BMXey type stuff when needed.
  10. I still don't quite see what you're getting at I'm afraid... 1. If Admin, Mods or SM's come up with a (possibly) good idea, chances are someone will create a topic in Chit Chat to discuss it and get feedback from the main forum. Everyone would therefore get their say. 2. Why does what have to be posted in SM chat? My comment pointed at the fact that the For Sale topics were discussed in the main forum and demonstrates perfectly why this discussion is meaningless. If anyone has a good idea they just need to make a topic for discussion and away you go, never needs to go anywhere near SM Chat. If the split of the For Sale stuff had been suggested in SM Chat, chances are it would've been approved in there and then someone (probably Tom/Danny) would've started a topic in Chit Chat to discuss suggestions. So it would still be win-win.
  11. That's a fair point but... what's stopping anyone creating topics in the main forums discussing these things? Nothing at all. In fact from what I remember the discussion on splitting up the For Sale/Wanted stuff was all in the main forum and Tom and Danny fairly regularly ask for opinions and suggestions in Chit Chat when an idea is raised.
  12. Pretty sure Blutac wouldn't work... Going to an M6 would be easiest. Filling with liquid metal/weld and redrilling might work but unlikely to be very permanent.
  13. Pretty poor show compared to the awesomeness that Rowan's capable of (both filming/editing and riding-wise).
  14. I've been told the paint from Monster Colours is really good and pretty cheap. Not a huge variety but there you go. I've been sourcing cheap Plastikote stuff from eBay recently.
  15. Yeah... but it's mainly about the porn and discounts.
  16. I think maybe you could've drilled that hole a bit closer to the surface you know...
  17. I'd like it more if I didn't know it was made on an evil Mac...
  18. It's Vittorio's fault for being sponsored by Emporio Armani... In other news I ordered the Brumotti DVD from some dude in Italy on Friday so looking forward to seeing some more silly riding in inappropriate clothing!
  19. Yeah man, that video was crazy. Quite disturbing, especially when the midgets came in, but still immense.
  20. Exactly. It manages to both belittle and raise insecurities in your average Joe(sephine) while also ensuring that there's a good proportion of people in the world suffering from anorexia and bulimia while also providing much needed low paid jobs for the poor and undernourished children of third world countries across the world. Now there's an industry to stand for and defend if ever there was one!
  21. Nah, they did (do?) actually do MTB ones. Mainly designed for XC to be fair and I don't think I'd trust one for trials... looks pretty cool though! Libor Karas also used to run one back in the day.
  22. More. When I first started the RRP was something like £255 a pair. Until Chain Reaction started cheating the system of course...
  23. Both of those have been around since before most of the forum were born!
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