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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I tried that but got an even lower velocity for the bullet so didn't bother putting it up... I'm sure it should work though!
  2. Dropped my entry off with Hazel today and so far they've only received 12 entries! Come one guys, poor show!
  3. Love the HD! Looks amazing. Good to see you haven't lost any of the stupid amounts of power you've always had!
  4. Try a bit of Locktite if you have any. Doesn't need much but should do the trick.
  5. Made me smile though...
  6. 'Monkey See - Monkey Do' is a Hans Rey trials video from 1995 (which funnily enough I've never actually seen!). And if anyone says 'who's Hans Rey?' I will personally hunt you down and beat you with a set of Megamo bars.
  7. 4.5m/s? That's a really shit gun... I could throw the bullet faster than that!
  8. You could be putting pressure on certain nerves in the palm of your hand when you ride. Think about where you hold the bars and also consider getting some gloves with a bit of padding in the area towards the outside of the bars. A change to fatter, softer grips could also help.
  9. Small chance?... Looks pretty wet to me!
  10. Tomm's black and white one? This one? It's all about making it a bit different! My Zoot forks also cracked at the Magura mounts...
  11. The internal diameter of the hosing is different meaning that viscosity has a greater effect for the braided tubing. As said above, plastic hosing (braided crossover doesn't really hurt performance but is much stronger) and a water bleed gives the best overall performance in my mind. I've only ever used pure tap water and have never had a problem in around 8 years.
  12. Depends on the spec but I'd hazard a guess that the standard ones were around 11.5kg or so.
  13. Good one out by Whiteford near Inverurie. Also a good one Just South of Peterhead. Rocks on Aberdeen sea front too.
  14. What's wrong with that?! It was because when I had the Monty as well it had 158 cranks so I wanted it to be as easy ass possible to switch between bikes. I've been using 158/160's for years now... Doesn't seem to hold me back.
  15. 18:13 for me but that's with 160 cranks. Really ought to get longer cranks now I've got rid of the Monty but it's just what I'm used to now. With my current cranks there's no way I'd go to 18:12- 13 is pretty much perfect for me. Plenty of power there but still light enough for trialsy stuff.
  16. Good call. Regardless of who's 'in power', I really wish we'd use the French ethos when it comes to pathetic EU matters... agree in principal then just ignore it and carry on before. We seem to be really stupid at blindly following dumb legislations which do nothing but make our lives more annoying and awkward.
  17. I feel a song coming on... The pedal's connected to the... crank arm. The crank arm's connected to the... BB. The BB threads in to the BB shell... Ok I'm bored now. Best bet is to have a scan through a site like TartyBikes and if anything jumps out as an unknown have a look and sus out where it goes. Otherwise, post up and specific questions on here and we'll be happy to help.
  18. Initially from Vanishing Point and subsequently by Axle Rose in 'Breakdown'.
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