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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I don't use it for lube purposes but it does have lubricative properties.
  2. Lol. You can tell by their moustaches .
  3. I thought they might be Eurofighters as you can just about make out cannards. Edit: Then again, maybe you can't...
  4. Awesome day. Still not exactly riding well but had loads of fun!
  5. Is it that simple though? I thought it'd be more like skateboarding/snowboarding where most people ride regular (left foot forward for them) and then there's a smaller number who ride goofy.Or am I reading too much into that because I'm goofy and ride right foot forward on the bike?
  6. Good point, well made. Nick Manning explain yourself!!
  7. Oh my GODDDAH!! Get on to The Sun straight away! Should be a quick buck in it for you . Edit: Come on, own up... who voted real?
  8. If you look at the lorries and car door frame at the bottom I'm 99.9% sure they're computer generated to start with. The whole thing is CGI I'd say. Looks fake to me. Actually looks like a shot from a computer game or something.
  9. 'Wobbling' freewheels is almost unavoidable and is present on virtually ever single FFW I've ever seen/used. It's not a problem in itself and is caused by the thread on the crank not being 100% concentric with the BB axle which happens during machining. The only reason that would be causing any noise on your bike (provided the freewheel is ok in itself) is if you're chain tension is varying enough to be super tight at the 'tight spot' and so is crunching the sprocket surfaces a bit. You should be able to see this when you spin the rear wheel though.
  10. I've been using Trialtech's with an Eno for over a year with no problem at all. I did however strip the pedal threads on a set of Echo Forged's before that but it was most likely my own fault for not checking pedal tightness frequently enough. As far as value for money goes I really don't think you can beat the TT's.
  11. Screen grab or it didn't happen. It may also help us sus out what's up...
  12. Improves rigidity of the front end but then gives low frame height and maximum standover clearance (I think).
  13. What's the bleed like? Does the lever feel nice and solid once the pads make contact or is it 'mushy'?
  14. I think you need a stronger finger. From the sounds of your setup it should be pretty awesome...
  15. Basically a 'rep' system. If someone makes a useful post, you can add to their reputation by clicking the button. You can see someone's reputation tally (or your own) in the relevant profile.
  16. I'd have gone for 'assuming no losses' rather than 100% efficiency but there you go .
  17. Best (or not) of the internet?
  18. After last time I seriously doubt there'll be any fight in me! It'll be Scott and Rich fighting and me feeling really old struggling at the back!
  19. I don't see any reason why you wouldn't be allowed to enter though... Provided you have an ACU license you will be covered by the insurance and would be able to do the sections you just might not be entered for points in the championship.
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