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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I haven't listened to any of the othe stuff but the one we're on about here is remarkably similar to what Mike Skinner does though isn't it?
  2. Shiiiiit. Sebastian Buemi's Toro Rosso had both front brakes explode on him in practice causing both front suspension setups to collapse and both front wheels to fly off simultaneously. Looked like something from a Clown car show! Bet he needed new underwear after that...
  3. That was on the free DVD with MBUK a while back wasn't it?
  4. It's Apple, what do you expect?! Gimmick capitol of the universe...
  5. God damnit, I sold all my Ark building tools on eBay last month. Well that's me screwed.
  6. monkeyseemonkeydo

    Muel 8

    You need to relax on the back wheel boi!
  7. Just waiting for some comment involving pink, brown and 'your mum' in the same sentence... Bike looks cool- glad you've finally seen the light!
  8. But... but... the Election! Isn't that enough excitement for anyone?!
  9. What ever happened to The Circus?
  10. Yup. Basically a precautionary measure to ground all flights. That sort of decision isn't taken lightly but as for any other long or short term effects I'd say minimal. Worst case is a few places may get a light dusting of ash when it finally comes down. Hardly the Day after Tomorrow...
  11. Be wary of the mod version- I had two and each dented the chainstays the first time I used the bashguard with any force. I gave up on them and got a Zoo Python instead after that.
  12. Because they were made for trials? The question is why have they got a slightly oversized thread? Not that it makes that much difference of course- as said I've been running my Eno on various cranks for over two years with zero problems.
  13. Especially in Aberdeen!
  14. And he can sing. Who'da thunk it?
  15. I wouldn't put it past Adrian Newey to have come up with some incredibly clever and intricate system which is either undectable (while effectively cheating) or is just a very clever system using progressive springs, pivot locations and linkages so that the actual geometry is effected by the car mass. The other way would be to do something along the lines of the McLaren duct whereby the driver can have some influence over the rideheight without there being a mechanical or electronic system in place. I'm surprised no one's actually measured the car rideheights (even roughly) via TV footage of the cars in quali and then at the start and ewnd of the race... can't be that difficult can it? They did it in the Italian Job remake after all .
  16. I found it far easier to swap between the trials bike and BMX than between my 20" trials and 24" trials. Because the styles of riding, geometry and feel of the bikes are so different it's much easier to differentiate. It will take you a little time to get used to each when you go out but only 20 minutes or so if that.
  17. Love the quality and camera work- that is awesome! I'm sooo tempted to try brakeless but it'll have to be in between Hampshire rounds because there's no way I'm trying to do an Expert comp without brakes! That place looks so fun too. I'm jealous .
  18. To be perfectly honest I couldn't care less and it'll be virtually the same regardless who gets in. If I can get a postal vote I'll do it but I can't be arsed going to the polling station. That's the silly thing about the system- chances are the majority of people are in constituencies where it's always the same party who get voted in in that area so there's not much point voting at all. I guess there are actually very few places where it's finely balanced and could swing either way on the changing of people's minds. I was registered in Aberdeenshire where Alex Salmond is our MP. There's not a snowballs chance in hell that he won't be voted in again so there's no point voting. I've now registered in East Dorset but I imagine this is a strong Conservative or Labour stronghold so again there's no point voting. Now if the Lib Dems were to get in and change to a PR system... that could be more interesting.
  19. This thread needs a poll... Raving Loony Party For. The. Win. I just need to register somewhere where there's a candidate standing...
  20. He says 'ting' and sounds like an annoying chav. Man I'm getting old .
  21. So people asking questions (on a trials forum) about how to backhop properly and how to get up higher objects (on a trials bike) don't make any difference? I think those are the sorts of questions that realy are helpful, particularly to people who are relatively new to the sport.
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