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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Apparently a few airlines have sent aircraft up (empty) to see if they encounter any problems. From what I can tell they came back saying they noticed nothing unusual and they're now trying to get the blanket ban on flights lifted to some extent.
  2. Were you bullied by a Lib Dem candidate in a previous life or something?!
  3. Except that Limar make nothing that looks even remotely like it...
  4. They've changed the video I think- it did show the first Friday practice.
  5. They have a kind of compression plug with an o-ring for friction. Link.
  6. Still, that's better than hanging around for a week surely? It's a 14 hour drive back to the UK so if you booked yourself on a ferry/train or whatever by the time you get there you're laughing. You could even drop the car off near the ferry port and just go over to Pompy or wherever as a foot passenger.
  7. Don't be silly Sue, if that was in response to my post above I'm sorry if it came across a bit 'short'- I didn't mean it to! Unfortunately David was the first of those we lost and I know a lot of the newer members won't have a clue what this is reference to. Regardless leet's make it a good turnout and a good day. Take Care
  8. You're right, my bad for missing out the or the [/sarcasm] for my Nazi post. I'd be tempted to vote BNP if we had a candidate here to be fair.
  9. I think BA should take this as a sign and sack all the selfish buggers that striked the first time round!
  10. My guess is that it's something like a 661 pisspot with a motocross visor bolted on... Don't think you'll be bale to buy one exactly like that. Have you considered a Giro Semi-MX or whatever they were called? Along the same lines... Also the 661 ReCon: Edit: Pro-tec Ace Dig? Also similar and probably closest to Vittorio's lid
  11. What's crazy is that even flights between Guernsey and Jersey have been grounded. Those things reach about 1,000' before starting the appraoch because the flight's so short. The ash is in the jet stream at 30,000'. What the...?!
  12. Are you an android? Your posts sound like they're copied and pasted from wikipedia or something half the time!
  13. Yeah 'cos if you were stranded somewhere with no money and you're flight had been delayed by a week you'd be perfectly happy, yeah? It's obviously not the airlines faults but they still have some kindof duty of care to their passengers and still have to get their customers to where they've paid to go. If that's not for a week I'd expect to be looked after or receive some kind of compensation.
  14. In for a memorial ride to remember everyone we've lost, not just Deej .
  15. It depends on what your setup is like. If the cylinders (and pads) are too far from the rim there's no way the brake will be able to function properly. If you have it set up correctly then try bleeding the system. Make sure that the TPA adjuster is completely out when you bleed it to ensure a good result. (By the way, your English is better than most of the British riders on here so don't worry!)
  16. Apparently I should vote Labour. 18 Labour, 10 Conservatives. I was going to vote Lib Dem. Meh.
  17. You could try praying to him but there's no guarantee he'll answer...
  18. 24th... She's supposed to be at school on the 19th! Someone's gonna be in trouble!!
  19. Balls... the GF was supposed to be flying back from Nairobi today... cancelled. She's a teacher who's supposed to be back on Monday but Virgin have said they're not planning to fly until next Saturday. D'oh.
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