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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Here? Edit: Well, here really I guess.
  2. Yeah, that's just a little 'breather' hole to allow air in as the pads wear down and the reservoir fluid is used up. After a fresh bleed you usually get a little bit of fluid spitting out of the hole when you pull the lever. It should reduce with time but it's nothing to worry about .
  3. No worries... Truth be told all I did was add another vote for validation which must've met the threshold. If it hadn't worked I was going to submit a report to advise validation but that wasn't necessary in the end.
  4. If they're the caphead type I've managed before (on a Hope cap as well...) with a set of pliers gripping the screw head but it depends what style of screws are in there.
  5. I think that's what's being missed. No one's saying that you'll be able to out do your mates on moves or be able to ride better than Kenny Belaey because you've got no brakes but from what I gather there's a bloody good chance you'll have a hell of a lot more fun than some of them purely because of the challenge.
  6. Not necessarily... The volcano caused the disruption but it was the CAA's decision to close UK airspace and screw everything up so bad. If it was, in fact, safe to fly (from certain airports at certain altitudes but they didn't alter their no-fly stance then they have a very real case to answer, the defence of which cannot be 'it was an act of Jebus'.
  7. Until all the airlines sue the CAA for losing them a billion dollars...
  8. I thought it could do with a wash to be fair...
  9. I'm very tempted now I've got my Monty Pr back for natural stuff. It does look fun and 'different'...
  10. Even if the Urban and Inspired had exactly the same geometry I'd always go for the Inspired purely on the overall look and attention to detail of the frame. The Inspired is just better. If Carlsbrg made 24" trials frames...
  11. The point of an irrational fear is that it's irrational... If something's safe but you're scared of it that's irrational. Doesn't mean you're not still going to be scared but you're scared for no real reason. It's like people who are scared of buttons (for clothes)... now that really is irrational but in a way it's not far off having a fear of coming to harm on a rollercoaster.
  12. The main thing to remember is that your fear is completely irrational. Rollercoasters are so safe and have so many safety cutoffs that there is practically zero actual risk to getting on one. But yeah. best bet is to start on a smaller one that doesn't chuck you around too much and then work up. Or do what I used to do and point blank refuse to go on them!
  13. I was never bothered by him until Lewis came in and Alonso literally acted like a spoilt 2 year old and was a complete retard. Can't stand him anymore and I hop he gets his ass kicked at every opportunity. Not really. For one Vettel may have been moving but there was no one coming down the pit lane so McLaren had no real reason to hold Lewis. The lollypop man would've already made the decision the the lane was clear as the last gun was removed- at which point Vettel was probably either still stationary or just moving. Obviously Lewis should have yielded and dropped in behind but Vettel was being downright dangerous by pushing Lewis into the other pit boxes. Exactly
  14. Completely agree- If I was Felipe I'd be smacking Alonso in the face with my (crash) helmet after that move! I think they need to introduce some kind of reg about overtaking on pit lane entry after both the Hamilton/Vettel and Twat/Massa entries.
  15. Yeah but only a little chunk, nothing major. Would've been thrown off track after a couple of cars went by. I also wondered if Ferrari had put in a request to the Ferrari International Assistance to give them a fighting chance .
  16. Shadow chains seem to be really hit and miss- I've heard of lots falling apart within a few weeks. Don't think I'd never run one...
  17. I'll replace bars and chains particularly to ensure I don't lose any teeth... I also stop riding a frame if I ever notice a crack rather than riding it until the thing shears off unexpectedly as a lot seem to...
  18. Very happy to see Schumacher being a bit shit again. Always good to see . Rather entertaining and brilliant to see the McLaren duo on top of the podium! But of course, what's the bets Lewis gets screwed over for the pitlane incident? In my mind McLaren didn't really do anything wrong in releasing him but Vettel was being plain and simple dangerous by pushing Lewis into the other pit boxes. And will Jenson be screwed over for nearly causing a mahoosive pile up at the restart after the safety car was brought out (for bugger all reason)?
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