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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. The way I see it the one under the frame is a 'frame booster/brace' that is to reduce stress on the frame itself and reduce the liklihood of cracking. A booster on top will act more as a 'brake booster' and reduce the movement of the brake cylinders when you use the brake and give the lever a more solid feel. Obviously that will also help reduce the frame flex as well but in a slightly different capacity to the frame booster.
  2. Yeah, two options are to either buy a screw on sprocket and a bashring to use with the Trialtechs or find out about getting a replacement for the Burns. I have a feeling Middleburn have a pretty good warranty service so it'd definitely be worth enquiring...
  3. Same, I've been running Vista for just over a year and have had zero problems with it (after I used the DisableUACforAdmin mod of course) and get on well with it. I've now got W7 on a couple of computers at work and to be honest I prefer Vista so far...
  4. I think we need a video of you riding it... It looks a bit special standing there!
  5. You don't need to split your chain to get the wheel out.
  6. Looks like a good place to ride.Would get a better view if she wasn't in the picture of course. Oh, wait... I've missed the point haven't I?
  7. Ah, yeah... not sure if I can make it now... I'm... washing my... cat that day.
  8. Your documents will still be there but there's a good chance a load of your programs won't work anymore. I think.
  9. Ah fair enough, can't say I've ever paid attention to either of those markets!
  10. Haha, that's pretty damn cool (except for the 'I lov treeal. Du yuuu?'[/weird accents] at the end). He has a frickin' cool job. Definitely think they should have hooked up Danny for that as well- both treeal riders and both Red Bull sponsored... that coulda been sweet.
  11. Really? Apart from the odd retro XC bike I don't think I've ever seen Maggie's on anything other than trials bikes. I know they were used on tandems for a while but I'd have thought most of those are going discs these days anyway.
  12. Or the stupid design. Seriously, whoever it was at Magura that didn't think to put a radius in those corners on a brake that is 99% sold to trials riders should be beaten and have sharp pointy things thrown at him...
  13. Stick the pictures on imageshack or something. Or right click on the pictures in Facebook and paste the address as an 'image insert'.
  14. I'm proud of your widely considered stereotype, particularly within Europe, of being drunken, trouble making, loud, obnoxious oafs. Oh, wait... It's a massive shame that you take your football so bloody seriously and that the British follow EU regulations so blindly... However, there's something about the British/English... that quirky slightly awkwardness that we/you have which makes us a bit special. Also good to be different with the pound, queen etc and trying to uphold the way things used to be.
  15. Maybe so but they are stupidly designed and almost certainly will crack in time. Easy enough to modify them to stop it ever happening though.
  16. You'll be lucky to find many to be honest. MBUK has a monster Danny Mac poster this month and Trial-Magazine often have biketrials posters in the centre.
  17. THIEF!! My guess is that was a picture of an angle grinder... Edit: yup.
  18. Ooh, I wouldn't do that... I hear they used to employ some waster called Danny something.
  19. I think he wants to remove the outer wall of his rim to reduce weight...
  20. Just a quick bit of feedback until the systems back online- Excellent comms, very friendly to deal with and fast payment through Paypal. Many thanks :).

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