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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Black wheels as well anyone? Just to satisfy my curiosity!
  2. You never know, the owner might like it too... Stealth ninja night time spray paint assault time methinks!
  3. He said the LOWER door strips, sheesh! Just be a man and whip out the spray paint Big Yin!!
  4. Saw that yesterday when Boon put it on Facebook... that is just so wrong!
  5. Why is the bridge/yoke type thing made in two halves and then welded together? Seems a bit random. Looks pretty sweet overall, no disc mount though = fail?
  6. Yeah, seriously, don't mind me I'm just kinda anal about that sort of thing. As an aside, that post ^ is absolutely spot on and will get you validated far quicker .
  7. You should be able to pay someone instantly through Paypal using a credit or debit card. Why do you want to put funds in?
  8. Just sussed out that I can't do the 15th/16th either because I'm doing a demo at a VW show...
  9. Can we expect some of your new found BMX skills crossing over? Video ASAP please!!
  10. Ok, so what's so good about these compared to any othe pisspot? Is it just a bit smaller and lighter due to the lack of polystyrene shock absorption layer? Or is it like drugs in that they're only cool 'cos they're illegal?!
  11. But Ben, the soon to be ex prime minister called an elderly bigoted woman bigoted... That's, like, bigger news than a volcano grounding UK flights for a week. Can't you see the bigger picture?!
  12. Don't forget about (the possibility of) import duty and VAT if you do go own that route.
  13. Really nice chilled video. I really love the DSLR stuff with the limited depth of field stuff. One thing that didn't work for me though was when you switched to the Inspired. I was expecting it to be a nice transition to riding the 24" and starting a nice new 'chapter' to the vid but then after that shot you just went back to the 26" and that was that. Maybe that's just me hoping for an awesome 24" section to back up the 26" though!
  14. I don't get what's so offensive about 'Where' but each to their own I guess .
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