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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Yeah, reckon so as per usual. Hopefully the rain will stay away just to make a pleasant change...
  2. I vote matt black with a white stripe round the outside. Or red. But probably white.
  3. Soooo... was it actually leaking? If the pistons don't move when you pull the lever you're looking at a crap bleed. Or a really obvious, massive leak.
  4. What's the joke? I'm using one... So there .
  5. I don't think you can really because it would require you to add material to the standard mounts... You could bodge it but it wouldn't be right. I'd just stick with the standard ones with the plastic washers if he can't afford 'proper' ones I'd say.
  6. You big softy!! Rough camping in random fields (and occasionally in random woods just on the outskirts of Bristol) for the win!! What sort of bike will you be doing it on?
  7. I guess it's too late but if I were you I'd start in John O'Groats and head South. When you get to the end you'll be in the middle of nowhere, it'll probably be really windy and raining and you'll have to turn round and cycle another 50-100 miles to get to a train station or bus depot or whatever to head South again! Ending up in Lands End leads to something like a 10 mile ride back to a main train line which would get you all the way to Southampton, Pompy, London or wherever you want to end up. Just a thought . Edit: There's also the best fish and chips shop in Redruth that you can stop at on the eve of your last day before rolling the final 25 miles to Lands End. By the way, are you rough camping on the way up/down or what?
  8. That's the thing though: On a forum like this it's even more important than the real life to put yourself across well because the only thing we see is what you post- there's no help from body language or facial expressions (except smilies). As such if you make poor, disjointed and hard to read posts people will judge you on those and treat you worse than if you'd spent a bit of time thinking about what you wanted to post. No one expects perfect grammar or spelling but a generally good post really isn't too much to ask from someone who's 27. Anyway, good luck with the show/demo/festival/event.
  9. Yeah. Not meaning to be a dick (though probably failing as usual) but I've read a few of your posts where you're going on the defensive telling people how old you are and how long you've been riding but maybe people would recognise that better if you put some effort into your posts.A lot of them have poor grammar, spelling and often make little sense so with a bit of effort you could avoid needing to go on the defensive in the first place. Anyway, back on topic people .
  10. They're supposed to be really good and the Tarty boys seem to be really happy with them. I've been running DMR Moto RT's for years (2.2" front and 2.4" rear) and get on well with them. They don't have much (any?) puncture protection but I don't get much problems and still run relatively low pressures. I've heard fairly good things about Moto Diggers too. Your call really, all much of a muchness in terms of performance and weight I think.
  11. +a lot Maybe if you didn't type like an 8 year old people would stop treating you like one on here. Just a thought.
  12. Too slow! Already expired it appears and back up to £49.99. Edit: £39.97 at Currys but no free case.
  13. That's true but it happens over a far longer time than when above water and over the life of a Maggy I don't think rust should be an issue.
  14. Just a quick note that the black one is now only £40 and comes with a free silicon case worth £7. Just bought one for my GF's birthday.
  15. It can only rust in the presence of water and air. If the spring was rusted it's been badly bled or has been sitting for ages unused in a partly filled state. I've also been using pure (tap) water for about 7 years with no problems at all.
  16. Really? Tarty say 1020... I'm tempted to replace the 221Pr with one of these but 1070's long for a stock in my mind .
  17. What are you on?! That's more like it!
  18. I swear you must be filled wth helium though, Adam!!
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