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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Woo! I think I've actually done it! Yeah, installing when your computer doesn't run on Steam and you don't have an account and stuff messes things up. Edit: Nope. Spoke too soon. It's now 'updating' and will take another hour and a half. I want to uninstall the damn thing before I've even opened it! Better be worth it...
  2. That's nothing, I can't even install the f**king thing!!
  3. Says the man with no capital letter or full stop (or correct use of your and stops). Sheesh!
  4. Yeah, it's possible but really not worth the hassle!
  5. Right you are then, grammar next boyo .
  6. I was going to post 'no worries chief' but then it appears that you've forgotten to use it again... come on dude, put a little effort in!
  7. Those sample vids look surprisingly good! I've got the one I ordered but haven't opened it (for the GF's birthday) but good to see some footage as it was a bit of a stab in the dark when the offer first came up!
  8. Does a bear shit in the woods?
  9. He looks like he's about to attack... Brings back visions of:
  10. Plus one very good suggestion to get a white stripe round the matt black rims. Lets not forget that .
  11. Are you tekin the piss? That took me hours .
  12. Where's the 'They're the same thing' option?
  13. *Sigh*... and that's what's wrong with the yoof of today . I'm just jealous... Zetec S's are smart as. Although you'll be sick when the RS comes out!
  14. Common sense does, occasionally, prevail... When they were talking about registering every single motorbike in the country they kind of forgot that track bikes and racers would be included too. Can't really see Valentino Rossi riding round Silverstone with a tax disc and numberplate on the back really! All comes back to the retarded and overpaid MP's with no common sense I guess.
  15. Simples. I'm surprised Rubens hasn't been fined yet for throwing his toys steering wheel out the pram car... He's lucky that didn't take out someone's radiator (or head) and I bet the guy in charge of the £50k bit of kit wasn't best chuffed with him either!!
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