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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. And that was only because praying didn't work... Sorry, that was a low blow.
  2. Shouldn't be far off. Give Tarty a ring- they'll know!
  3. I'd actually quite like to see Rossi on a Ducati... think that could be quite an interesting combination!
  4. Did you see the interview where the press asked him why Honda weren't happy with him and he seemed to know nothing about the statement?! He was like a rabbit caught in headlights!
  5. Damnit man, who are you?!! I swear I must've met and spoken to you at DJ and Abingdon rides before but not registered it! I'm so crap with names and faces...
  6. To be honest, with the strength of the Inspired brand and Danny's success it probably wouldn't be a bad idea in the business sense. It would have to be something a little different though if Dave did it, not just a long, low lump with Inspired stickers on it. I doubt it'll happen in the near future but I wouldn't rule it out.
  7. Good job if it has finally gone... save any more people being scammed.
  8. Royal blood is a version of Magura mineral oil for use in their brakes.. You can't use dot fluid in Maguras because it will melt the seals and destroy the internals.
  9. Reported. Your initial post made no sense... as pointed out by stunt man t. From your reply I'd have to say the trials community could well be better off without you... Toodle pip.
  10. It works fine, can fix an already cracked lever and doesn't cause any further problems. There wasn't any real weak point due to crap design on the pre '05 levers so there's no need for a mod.
  11. Disassemble, inspect, lubricate if things look ok then reassemble and rebleed.
  12. Orrrr they send the odd reminder telling you that the charge is now £250... £500 and then send the Bailiffs round when it's worth their while. Can you go back to the car park to sus out what the signs actually say? Those places are usually like 2 hour maximum stay from my experience.
  13. Was an awesome day. A little sunburnt but not as bad as expected I don't think! Rowan still doesn't make sense to me... it's all just too wrong and impossible looking! Maybe I need to remove my brakes and experience it first hand...! Was good to see some old faces I haven't seen for ages and also good to have a chat with Charlie too. Thanks to Sue who seemed only too keen this morning to apply suntan lotion to all that naked flesh... Take care peeps
  14. Spain isn't it? I've never seen the Trial Noir vid but those are both awesome! I could watch Martyn all day...
  15. As a completely non religious nut I actually think we need to be careful with stuff like this. These people have managed to transplant synthetic DNA into an existing cell to produce a semi man-made bacteria (note not created life but transformed a cell). In my mind they'll have to be very careful to fully understand what they're creating before going any further. I see it being a pretty small step from creating a man-made bacteria cell which is able to replicate to accidentally creating a superbug which replicates faster than any natural cell and is harmful to humans. Or maybe I've watched too many '28 days later' type films.
  16. . I think the public have spoken... Thou shalt edit the video and it will be adored by all whose eyes do see-eth it.
  17. Technically it's probably slightly uphill since the Earth is an oblate spheroid (assuming you start and finish at the same altitude relative to sea level). However, since you will finish slightly further from the Earths centre of gravity than you started then the gravitational pull exerted on you will be very slightly less than when you started as well, thus making it easier to climb hills...
  18. You see, if you go from the North that whole run South of Glasgow is a breeze! We spent half the day rolling downhill at 30mph! That'll be one hell of a slog back up!
  19. Yeah, 9 days would be pushing it unless you were on a full on road bike with riding fitness... I did it in 14 days on my Zero with 4 or 5 gears and a 50 litre rucksack on my back so in 17 days you'll be fine, especially on a 'proper' bike.
  20. I'd ask your mate if I were you... and have a ride to see what you think.
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