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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. I really wish they'd start sending off all these pansies who jump on the ground when someone gets within a metre of them, writhes around in apparent agony for five minutes then gets up and carries on just fine because there was NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM TO START WITH! It's a joke. However... that was a beast of a goal by the Brazilians there.
  2. Will it break every 3 months like the previous ones?
  3. Hey dude, unfortunately you've just missed the memorial ride in Pompy which was about 3 weeks ago. Until last year there was another annual memorial ride in Abingdon organised by Charlie and Sue, DJ's folks, but they have decided not to do one this year.
  4. That's the ape index which is not always 1 by any stretch of the imagination. It's often used as a rough guide to rock climbing ability as a big ape index (long arms) will help you reach holds easier than someone with arms like a T-rex.
  5. This week I have mostly been hating the time stamp on the Board Index being in millenia since the big bang, or possibly decimalised time in minutes since the birth of Elvis, I forget, and also the button at the bottom of the reply page which should open up the complete thread in a new window, but doesn't seem to... Otherwise looks good. Not that I can remember what it used to be like of course . Edit: Now I'm getting: "[#102998] Your secure key, used to protect your account settings, did not match the one submitted. Please go back, reload the form, and try again." when I try and remove the notification thing on the right of the Board Index page... Edit 2: Also can't multi quote before replying. Edit 3: Status update also doesn't seem to work.
  6. Nah, not with aluminium stems and forks. They'd move around like a very movable thing after the first ten minutes. Did Onza not try this at the proto stage a couple of years ago?
  7. I think he just did... for the reasons he mentioned. And from what I've heard and seen (yet to get the balls to actually try this whole brakeless thing) he's right. Just by improving wheel placement (and of course the understanding of where the wheel is beneath you) and overall control of the bike, I don't really see how you can refute that it' will improve your control when going back to a braked bike.
  8. And the fights and anger when the other team score?...
  9. He wouldn't have liked me supporting USA then...
  10. Or not? In the slightest? In fact there's not a single bit of it that looks like the Tech levers. At all.
  11. Just one reason why I f**king hate football supporters. Not football the game, just the supporters and the crap that goes with the game.
  12. Until the inevitable riot? Yeah...
  13. Damon has a site? To be honest, I pretty much never go on any riders sites as everything of interest tends to get posted in here or on the TartyBikes blog. Now I'm far from an expert, in fact I have zero clue about website design or promotion at all, but from what I can tell it's just going to be like any other free blog site except you'd have to pay for it... Being 'tailored to trials' in that it can house media doesn't really seem any different to any other blogs which lazy people like Mark seem able to put pictures and videos in while being lazy... Overall, I'm with Simon- good enthusiasm but it's a non goer in my view.
  14. Was just thinking we need a World Cup thread... anyone else not giving two shits about this whole soccer thing? Need to get myself an 'Anyone but England' shirt I think...
  15. Yeah, filming bike freewheel is the sound you're hearing I reckons. That looks like so much fun! Think it's time to make my Inspired lighter methinks...
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