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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Start at about 15psi and go from there. I run about 25psi in my Inspired and about 15-20 on my mod. Danny Mac runs 65psi and still gets loads of punctures so it's just whatever feels right for you.
  2. Quite surprisingly we didn't have a single puncture the entire way, and that's riding in the gutter most of the time where all the crap gathers. I didn't take much in the way of spares at all, though a good multitool and spoke keys definitely came in handy!
  3. Lazy. Shortened from 'typographical error'.
  4. It really isn't. It should be 'you're'. Where's Grammar Camel when you need him? Don't forget capital letters and full stops either. Drives me bloody nuts that does.
  5. I'm surprised no one's sussed it before to be honest... both Scottish, both with the same initials, both riding Inspireds. It's like no one realising Clark Kent's Superman just because he has glasses on.
  6. Not if the image has been uploaded to imageshack. In that case you have to use the right link that imageshack provides. I tend to use the 'Direct Link' one.
  7. The right honourable Dave Anderson MP...
  8. Haha, one of my first thoughts- Ali's had a shave! That was really good! Is it going to be on TV or is it online only? Good Job Fella!
  9. Depends what you do. If you 'ride' street (i.e. sit on your bike for half an hour chatting, try and sidehop a wall a few times then sit back down) then no. If you ride natural lots and do comps etc then possibly. Mainly I can see it helping to build muscle but not necessarily burning fat that well unless you properly work up a sweat regularly for extended periods so burning calories. But then what do I know? I'm 11 stone with like 5% body fat (after a burger) and couldn't get fat if I wanted.
  10. Even when you know it'll crack if you don't?
  11. Yeah exactly, however there's a good chance at that point, Lewis had no idea whether there was a major incident just after turn 1 so did the right thing by slowing slightly. He just slowed a liiiitle bit too much!
  12. Somewhat confused what Webber was doing driving into the back of Heiki when he could've just driven up the inside of him... Would also like to see Alonso get angry and throw it into the wall, but then I always hope that . Edit: f**ks sake. Ferrari International Assistance to the rescue again. Although what was Lewis thinking?!
  13. Exactly. Front disc + Trialtech or Inspired forks = several years of trouble free riding.
  14. Wait... what is a blind person going to get from a website? Any website? Last time I checked you couldn't get a Braille monitor so my guess is the internet's pretty useless to someone who can't see... From another perspective I'm guessing that one blind rider in the world isn't really going to influence how someone's going to design their site.
  15. If the spokes came out then they'll go back in... You'll probably need to bend them a bit to feed them back in but they will go. Shouldn't be any need to remove the sprocket and the chances of getting it off without the wheel being built up is pretty slim!
  16. Yes they crack due to a stupid design but they're also very easy to modify so that it never happens. I noticed mine had a 7-8mm crack from that corner and attacked it with a Dremel about 2 years ago and it's still going strong.
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