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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. It has nothing to do with tyres and everything to do with gears. The very first trials bikes produced back in the early 80's were basically modified BMX's and singlespeed so were ~110mm spacing. The wider 135mm spacing was used on mountainbikes to accomodate the cassette of gears to be used with derraileurs. When mountainbikes started being used as trials bikes, the rules stated that bikes had to have 6 working gears so the wide spacing remained and we had 26" bikes (stocks) with 135mm spacing and 20" bikes (mods) with ~110mm spacing. Note here that for the most part 20" trials bikes eventually went to 116mm spacing to allow for two 3mm thick snail cams to be used inside the frame for chain tensioning. However, a few years ago, and due to the increasing trend for stock riders to run singlespeed for simplicity and weight saving, the rules were changed to allow singlespeed bikes with either wheel size. It was around that time that 'modstocks' (26" bikes with mod spacing of 116mm) were introduced. There are also a couple of companies who have toyed with 20" bikes with 135mm spacing ('stockmods'?!). Anyhoo, think that's pretty near the mark.
  2. Looks like it's never been going to be ridden.
  3. I *heart* Terry Grant. Good job guys! No MX freestylers there?
  4. Have you got the chain uber tight at the moment? That usually causes 'graunchy' type noises until it stretches (or you knock the tension off a little).
  5. I didn't know Tioga made bikes.
  6. The thing was that the track is what, 7 or 8 car widths? Rubens exited the last corner maybe 5mph faster than Schui and was in the slipstream so by the time he pulled out was probably a good 10-12mph faster so should've been able to sail by. It wasn't a case of committing or not it was an completely inevitable clean passs waiting to happen. The problem with Schui's move is that he waited (or didn't see the move 'til too late (old eyes)) until Rubens was already alongside before moving to the right and didn't stop to give Rubens any room. That's not racing. There should be a respect between drivers and Schui has none and never has. 94 with damon, 96 with Jacques, Kubica in Canada this year, Rubens this year to name the few I can easily recall. Ayrton was a racer through and through and made some very questionable moves in his time but he was such a deep, spiritual guy you always knew he had a massive respect for all the drivers around him (except maybe Alain). Schumacher has the single-minded desire to win but with zero concept of where to draw the line.
  7. Equally Schumacher could've just not been a dick...
  8. 18:13 or 18:14 if you're a bit of a pansy .
  9. I was so feeling the Rowan love with Ali's barrier hop!
  10. Looks a bit complicated to me though, JT...
  11. I've been using it for the past few years and have 'earned' over £150 back. It sometimes takes a while for the money to land but they seem very legit. Definitely recommended to anyone who buys pplenty online.
  12. Jesus. I'm sick to death of hearing about f**king iPads. iPood's are where it's at.
  13. Possibly but possibly not! Give tarty a ring tomorrow and see if they can measure up a Trialtech one. The main dimension (assuming the hubs use the same size bearings) you need to check is the 90mm one between the shoulders which the inner races sit against. If that's the same chances are you could be on to a winner.
  14. The Onza T- Master hub is a mod hub so will be for 116mm spacing. That's a stock hub so needs a 135mm axle. Note that the measurement is the internal distance across faces of the dropout. That should pretty much match up to the polished looking bits which start at ~6mm from the ends of the axle (and will sit in the dropout itself). Your best bet is to contact either Onza or Tarty and find out if they have anything to suit. Next option would be to get a new one turned up.
  15. Nothing like streetching the truth, eh?! MMM- will PM you a rough idea of what's involved.
  16. What sort of work do you want/have you done? We're currently advertising for a wind tunnel technician starting at about £22k...
  17. So you won't lose your teeth by starting 4" from the edge?
  18. Only if you start like 18" from the edge, which would be stupid. You want your rear axle line to be maybe 4" from the edge to give the wheel a chance to accelerate before takeoff. That's probably the simplest way to begin with, you can try pinch gaps later. However, as has been said you should just be replicating your flat gapping technique so just do what you usually do.
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