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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. In some American states you can marry your pickup/horse/donkey/sheep. *May not be entirely true.
  2. You both know exactly what I mean. Putting a 19(?) year old in a 500bhp supercar is asking for trouble. When I was 17 one of my mates passed his test and got insured on his dads 2L Impreza. Not even a turbo but we all thought it was a stupid idea and surprise surprise within a week he'd written the thing off by rolling it into a field.
  3. See that's fine until he loses it while showing off to his mates, plows into a bus stop or family coming the other way and kills a few innocent people. It's just too much car for someone so young. I don't even want to consider the insurance bill. Sure most people would accept it if offered but I for one would've expected to be thoroughly hated/bullied/murdered for being such a spoilt little brat.
  4. I'd have to disagree there again. I do agree the list of proper good American riders is pretty slim but I imagine even Jeff Lenosky or JJ Gregorowicz would've done a better job. Mike Steidley would've wiped the floor with Jeremy I think.
  5. It's quite clearly all a front. I bet the mafia own half the Italian restaurants in Italy but it doesn't make the background business legit.
  6. I'm sorry to say but I still really underwhelmed . Good on him for getting so far of course and I hope he wins but I find it hard to believe of all the other talents out there the American public are going for this. I guess there is the element of Jeremy himself being a very down to earth, normal kid who just wants the best for his family, rather than the usual American: 'Woooo! Yeahhh! Man I am the greatest! Y'all should vote for me 'cos I am da bomb!' type arrogance.
  7. And that was back in April as well. Surely he was still 'running' Trials-UK then wasn't he? Well, at least that explains the Audi R8 (and subsequent selling thereof?)...
  8. Ah fair enough. I thought he must've been into the comp scene before but don't remember any videos or anything from way back when. Tom- who made the CF seat unit for you? Will certainly be interesting to see how long the frame lasts !
  9. Don't forget that CLS was (and I imagine still is) a top level comp rider back in the day. I remember him kicking my ass at Hook Woods anyway... Tunni also bears a resemblance to Dougie Lampkin so I dare say he could quite easily lend his machine like skills to natural if he ever wanted.
  10. And be prepared for annoying little carbon splinters all over your hands too . Lovely stuff to work with...
  11. Your English is way better than most of the kids in NMC so don't worry! Haven't used the site but then football sucks so why would I?! Have you tried googling the name to see if there's any feedback or reviews anywhere?
  12. I heard Dave was up at Eurobike but didn't realise this was the launch party! Bike looks awesome, I'm sure it'll be a big hit. Ali also seems to be super comfortable on it- downside footjam whips and manuals look so dialled!
  13. Hi, sorry but you can't sell on here until you've been validated. Regarding the bike (which should be a Czar rather than a Czah), you'd have to give us an idea of what parts are on the bike and/or some pics of it to get an idea of its worth but as a ballpark you'd probably be looking at between £300 and £500 depending on spec. Anyway, expect this topic to be closed in the near future.
  14. Sounds like an awesome way to find new unsuspecting victims friends .
  15. Without meaning to be harsh I'm amazed he made it anywhere near as far... All the footage I've seen has been rather sketchy and not overly impressive. But then they're also going nuts for some old guy with a harmonica so go figure- I really don't get Americans!
  16. Still taken from a video clip shot by Dan Jones at a demo on Saturday. Just cleared it .
  17. Never happened to me in over ten years of riding. I've done a stem bolt before but never a brake mount. You just need to be more careful and think about what you can feel through the allen key rather than just mullering it until it strips. Anyway, get them all helicoiled and you should be good to go.
  18. It was only at about 50 rather than 200mph and it was onto the normal runoff area rather into a concrete wall. Was a bit unnecessary but in no way dangerous.
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