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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. That's good because he seemed to be really off the pace earlier. I think he was struggling to get a good clean lap without running into a Virgin or Hispania almost going backwards!
  2. Have you seen Chainspotting? Fairly iconic old school Brit vid... other than that Trial Noir is the only one that springs to mind for Ackrigg.
  3. P.S. This isn't aimed at you Jake, just popped into my head when I read your post!
  4. PVA is basically wood glue- the stuff you used to use in primary school that starts out white and dries clear but is fun to play with as it dries into a sticky blob. It's actually Polyvinyl Acetate but would be readily available from a hardware store. Petrol is what you weird people over the pond call 'gas' or 'gasoline'. It's what the majority of cars run on.
  5. What do you mean by street trials? Do you mean sidehops or do you mean Danny Mac?
  6. Compared to 2.7" High Rollers? Are you mental?!
  7. Late is something of an understatement!
  8. My guess is that even if you bought the bike from Tarty, the local guy would still be happy to deal with any problems you encountered.
  9. I tried to do a plastic cover on my motorbike but the finish was fairly crap so I ended up taking it off again and painting. On flat surfaces I'm sure it's fine but on intricate details and corners I really struggled to get it to sit right.
  10. Those screws look rather 'special'... They remind me of those weird self tappers you get with DIY furniture! Surely they're not metric? In other news- no covers makes them so much more aesthetically pleasing! In otherother news- Trekking
  11. You see how the door opened on impact? That's a safety feature that is. Designed in by those fantastic frogs .
  12. Had a chat with a guy in Tesco the other day and he said that for some reason Tesco stores and Tesco Direct are actually different businesses, using different ordering systems and are effectively separate from each other. Obviously they would try and keep things apparently similar for the customer but it wouldn't surprise me at all if there were discrepancies.
  13. I'd say that stood up reasonably well. At 50 there's a massive amount of energy involved and cars are designed to absorb that energy as well as possible- making the cars look like they disintegrated. I'd rather be in a Saxo having an accident at 50 than a Smart car... Wow, really? Man that thing must be so weak and poorly made. I sure wouldn't ever buy one because of that.[/sarcasm]
  14. Danny runs about 60psi I believe. I run about 25 front and rear, any more and it feels too hard to me... and get fewer punctures than Danny does
  15. I don't even want to know what you're planning to do with it... Pretty sure there's not much (readily available) that would do what you want. Oil would do it but is smokey, petrol or llighter fluid might do it but you probably don't want to be playing round with that too much. What about those firelighter things- like white cubes that are soaked in kerosene or something and used to start coal fires or barbeques?
  16. Cool kids get mini's for their first cars...
  17. It's going fine until that point: When you've already decided that it's not going to work and your brain has decided to put your right foot down to save you. I used to ddo the same with skateboard kickflips. It basically comes down to mind over matter- just commit more as Leiston says and you'll get there. Not that I can do them of course but just sayin'!
  18. How many accounts do you want? I don't get it...
  19. You boys were so damn good back in the day! There's stuff in there I still haven't (can't?!) done (do)! Someone's going to have to explain the Steve Maultby/Dave thing...
  20. I thought all football clubs were hundreds of millions in debt and a complete financial farce...
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