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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Humorous and random as that is, I'd actually say it's actually not far from the truth. In my mind, anyone who types like a retard may not even understand the concept of the 'post office' an I would never buy anything off someone who types like they have the IQ of a PE teacher.
  2. I was riding BMX and trials and struggling to switch quickly between the two so thought I'd try the 24" thang. When the Inspired was introduced I just had to have one and was immediately the most comfortable I've been on any bike. Still loving the same batch 1 frame!
  3. They're all in the first post. Completed bike near the end.
  4. Not really, it's a problem with using Word for Mac and then transferring to a different version of Word for PC. If the original file were made in Word for PC all of JD's clients (who probably mainly use PC's like most of the world) would be able to print their invoices. To be fair, if I worked for MS I'd probably deliberately write little bugs like that into Mac versions of the software just to be bloody awkward... just like Apple seem to be so very good at!
  5. Please tell me there's a seat-tube of sorts in there somewhere?... Otherwise I can see it being kinda noisy to ride as the toptube clangs against the downtube everytime you do anything!
  6. Tap, Gap and Sidehop. It's basically used to describe the modern street trials trend to just do those three moves (though often mainly the S part) between objects of various sizes rather than mixing in any old school riding or lines.
  7. You wouldn't have this problem if you just binned the Mac and used the PC to begin with...
  8. Yeah, £32 helpful for something that probably didn't need doing! It really is best to buy the tools yourself and keep check of things like BB tightness etc. A BB tool only costs about £6-7...
  9. I bet there are Zoot riders around the country checking their frames tonight! Local Bike Shop.
  10. Just read on Autosport that Webbers tyre was a few mm from popping its bead and causing a puncture following the coming together with Lewis. Reasonably entertaining race but would've preferred if Mark had gone out too!
  11. Ah fair enough, sounds promising! Look forward to seeing the progress .
  12. The Araldite worries me... Otherwise a very professional looking project!
  13. How many phonecalls do you get from drunk people asking for a taxi, or telling you they've lost their keys or whatever?
  14. I was thinking that but then I wouldn't trust Wiggle as far as I could throw them compared to you boys...
  15. I'd add that the Zoot on Wiggle is also 95p more expensive than Tarty.
  16. You'd want to lube the o-rings/bore after cleaning I'd say.
  17. Without being too patronising, it's not just a partitioned disk is it? If not, go into the C: drive or whatever and right click>properties on a few of the folders in there and see what you come up with.
  18. There must be another 135GB of stuff somewhere...
  19. Yes. Provided you don't want more than 8 gears.
  20. Very impressive riding! Good work .
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