Hey Dan, first up you really need to take everything in this thread with a large pinch of salt. All replies were in jest but I can see that they do come across as personal and for that I apologise. I should say that I have no problem with you and we get along just fine. However, I must say that the way you conducted Trials-UK in the final few years was completedly unacceptable and you must see that you were royally taking the piss out of the community we've both been part of for many years. In that aspect I must say I lost a massive amount of respect for you as a person and I hope you can understand that.
With regards the comments about cars, that's basically going back to my school friend who could probably have killed himself and anyone else in the car in other circumstances with that Impreza and that was only a 2 litre non turbo. Maybe you are 100% safe and sensible but I think for 99% of young guys, if given an R8 they'd wrap it round a tree within a week and I still stand by that. If you reread that last sentence in the quote, I'm saying that I'd expect to be hated by others (chavs and general low lifers) rather than me doing the hating. That's not to say that I'm a little jealous of you but I certainly don't hate on success.