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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Why does hating them make any difference to them being out of stock?
  2. Just a brand of paint stripper:
  3. Or tail? What the hell are you after?
  4. Yeah +1 on checking the throttle cable routing and throttle action after adjusting the idle screw.
  5. I've heard the combustion of refined alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are something of a cure for that sort of problem.
  6. If I was being attacked by a flock of nasty b*****d vulture things I would too .
  7. But that's taking it to the next stage. The instinct is there and your brain then decides which way to act (as you say) depending on the odds of survival/success but the initial instinct was immediately there. Kinda. Yeah, I agree with the rabbit thing, bad example.
  8. Hehe. I agree, ideas must come from somewhere but for things like gravity I think they come from observation. Anything that is truely an instinct however is not based in an idea, it just 'is'. You don't have to think 'I'm going to try not to get killed today' you just due it instinctively (bad example I know but you get the idea). Similarly I doubt any parent consciously has to think 'I'm going to protect my child from that pitbull terrier' they just act and would be willing to sacrifice themselves for the conservation of their young.
  9. But you can observe a cause and effect. Someone lets go of something, it falls down. You have just learnt about gravity. You don't need to understand the forces at work or the strength of the force to observe what happens. I'm pretty damn sure I wasn't born knowing that anything with mass accelerates towards the centre of the earth at 9.81ms-2... Edit: aener beat me to it.
  10. A few billion beings prior to Sir Isaac may disagree with you there! And again, as a small baby anything you grab (or see someone else pick up/drop/fall) will result in the realisation that things fall downwards. I would say you have learnt that through observation, not through and form of instictive knowledge. However, if you startle a baby (not something you should really do I know) and it does that whole 'shitting itself' face and tries to get away, I would say is an instinctive struggle for survival. It's just a shame that human babies are a bit shit! I'm not convinced. I'd say food, sex and survival/preservation of yourself and your young are some of the few true instincts which exist.
  11. Yup, I'd go with that- the instinct for survival. Surely the fact they 'share eveything up until a certain stage' proves possessiveness isn't instinctive but something which is learnt as they observe how their parents/brother/sister or whatever act towards objects. Regarding animals, you hit the nail on the head- food and mates. The two things to ensure survival and their genetic continuation- two things which I would say are instinctive for pretty much any living thing.
  12. Certainly not a shit thread and I will try to stay off the religion side of things! The idea of someone stealing your laptop is completely enveloped in the 'theory' of ownership and possession- something which in itself isn't really instinctive. If we'd all been brought up to share everything we ever come into contact with the loss of something (or theft itself) wouldn't have any meaning. The presentation of a gun is another thing. We don't instinctively know that a gun is dangerous- it is just a shaped piece of metal until (at a very young age) you learn that they are dangerous and used to injure or kill people with. Once you have learnt that you will be fearful if anyone ever pulled one on you, invoking the fight or flight instinct.
  13. I would say... no. The observation of gravity, the bending of light around a gravitational field or the effective non-existence of electrons in the physical sense has nothing to do with instinct.
  14. And I instinctively knew about the theory of relativity the value of Pi and the basics of quantum physics. Honest.
  15. Beyond certain very basic things such fear leading to a fight or flight instinct, I think it's pretty much impossible for anything to be considered instinct in the way I think you're getting at. Any kind of decision or belief in something has to have been based in some kind of teaching (either direct or passive) leading to a conclusion in your own head. It's impossible to instinctual know that licking your finger and sticking it into a live socket will sting a little but it only takes a child to observe caution in another child or adult to understand the notion that there's something there which you maybe need to respect/fear. Not really wanting to cause a religious debate () I would also say that it is completely impossible to instinctively believe in God (or Santa or the Tooth Fairy for that matter). Anyone who does so has been introduced to the concept, most likely at a young age, and taken it from there. The only possible way you can look at it from an instinctive perspective is to consider that Human nature makes us quite an inquisitive species eager to learn and experience things. In that sense we are bound to question things around us- which is the basis of science and of course, at the opposite end of the spectrum, religion. Don't 100% agree with that, purely on the survival 'instinct' or fight or flight. Animals have instincts- I wouldn't consider a baby rabbit to be applying its previous knowledge of vehicles when it finds itself caught in headlights- it is acting purely on instincts in an attempt to survive. I daresay procreation is probably fairly instinctive too...
  16. He could also have been reading the forum for literally years before actually becoming a member .
  17. I think he needs bigger wheels.
  18. monkeyseemonkeydo


    That was really good- some very inventive lines in there and excellent riding/filming/editing/musac/crashes etc. Ali C truly is a monster!!
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