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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Sorry if this is already answered somewhere (just call me lazy) but is the 'new video coming out' a webvideo or a DVD or what? Edit: Also bad link on the TB Blogspot. Just a headsup .
  2. In Crux Thomas Ohler outshines Ryan tenfold... Never really liked Ryans style- as has been said above the apparent heaviness and whiplash drops just make a lot of his stuff seem amateurish. Something which his Manifesto style doesn't do much to help! Also, non negative clown is crying inside.
  3. A lot of it is picking the line of least resistance/likely death. If you want to roll down on both wheels you need to make sure there's room for your front wheel to roll forward and allow the back down otherwise you're likely to go over the bars or lose the front end in a chasm of death. It's better to build up the confidence and go down controlled on the back wheel in stages, caefully placing each wheel on take off and landing. Failing that the next best option is to go down sideways either backwheel then front wheel or together in a sidehop down type thing... Final option is to go down backwards. May sound weird but on a big slab or steep slope if you have both wheels on the ground and inch down backwards you can keep your weight over the front and trust the rear tyre to do the gripping. Experiment and see how you feel.
  4. I dunno, I know Ali could've done that faster and smoother with less correction hops if he wanted .
  5. I think he has the ability to make (a form of) real engineering appealing to the masses but what I've seen so far just isn't going to cut it! Even Richard Hammond doing the Engineering connecitons thing was more enjoyable and I'd say he's more of a bafoon than James...
  6. I used to find that I needed to run a washer of appropriate size between the mech and hanger to allow the body of the mech to lock onto something rather than rotate on the narrower diameter centre section which the bolt passes through.
  7. Sorry to dig this back up but a colleague at work is trying to insure his 17 year old son on a 1.1 Saxo and the cheapest quote he can get is £3200... is that seriously the going rate these days?!
  8. See I didn't like that because it seemed fake and at least partly scripted. Funniest bit I can recall is where he broke the glass making the tartar sauce and had that impromptue conversation with the director... more of the kind of unscripted banter would make it more watchable I think.
  9. I was a bit disappointed to be honest. Sounded like a great idea and could be awesome but just seemed a bit too wishy washy in the end.
  10. Ooooh, that mint green... that's yummy that is!
  11. Why does hating them make any difference to them being out of stock?
  12. Just a brand of paint stripper:
  13. Or tail? What the hell are you after?
  14. Yeah +1 on checking the throttle cable routing and throttle action after adjusting the idle screw.
  15. I've heard the combustion of refined alkanes from pentane (C5H12) to octane (C8H18) are something of a cure for that sort of problem.
  16. If I was being attacked by a flock of nasty b*****d vulture things I would too .
  17. But that's taking it to the next stage. The instinct is there and your brain then decides which way to act (as you say) depending on the odds of survival/success but the initial instinct was immediately there. Kinda. Yeah, I agree with the rabbit thing, bad example.
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