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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Now I don't know if you're being serious or sarcastic .
  2. Yeah, he didn't die doing the jump, just mashed his ankles up so bad he couldn't ride so took his own life a couple of months later .
  3. The thing with that (which makes it not funny) is that Colin took his own life basically as a direct result of that... bad times. Edit: sorry, didn't mean for that to be a dig or depressingly morbid, just pointing it out. Where's Ali and his laughing clown when you need him?...
  4. Turning upside down really won't help! If it's actually leaking you'll be able to see/feel/smell fluid either on the tube or around the fixings or pistons. As said above, sounds more like it's air in the system that needs bleeding out.
  5. He didn't actually bunnygop over the car if it's what I'm thinking of, more rode ont it then did a few static hops on the roof. Still very cool for the time of course! Gotta love dem shorts!
  6. As said, fuel's the main thing. However overall I don't think it'll be that big a deal. I thought about it when it went from 17.5-15% and if you think that if you were to buy a £10,000 car, the difference due to VAT decrease/increase is only ~£250 it's hardly worth bothering about.
  7. I never do but then I'm lazy... I'll let Adam provide a proper answer!!
  8. I find that most LBSs shouldn't be trusted with anything more taxing than a puncture on a rusty old Raleigh and even then I'd expect to get it back with one brake not working and loose pedals. I've done all my own maintenance for as long as I can remember. Learned fairly early on that I knew better than most LBS bicycle mechanics (especially when it came to anything remotely specialist) so never went back.
  9. That's what she said. But seriously, you lube your pad o-rings?
  10. Is that... a cross-stitch OnzaBoyMark Avatar I spy?! New hobby?
  11. As Mark says chain line is no problem at all. I've been running a 128 BB on mine with no issues. No issues with the disc mount either- nicely reinforced and seems plenty sturdy.
  12. First of all you'll need to buy my Inspired! Seriously though, as has been said, there are a few moves which are the basis for more streety stuff but it mainly comes down to your imagination! Watch some Ali C videos and Danny Mac of course and have fun! A lot of it comes down to looking for lines and trying to keep your riding flowing wiht momentum rather than stop-start with static moves.
  13. Pah, you can get bigger than that for road/track bikes. 73T and jam.
  14. Don't really agree there. Trials is negotiating obstacles on a bike without putting your feet down. Danny's riding is an evolution of trials and an incredibly imaginitive and entertaining evolution at that.
  15. I don't think he was actually holding Alonso (or Webber for that matter) up that much though. Neither showed any real commitment to making a proper move on Petrov and he just seemed to be pretty much as quick as both of the title contenders.
  16. Ah, maybe that explains it. In other news: What a monster! Looking forward to tomorrow
  17. He's a bit good isn't he? Weird that I've never heard of him before... Go figure.
  18. Have you ever ridden a steepish gnarly rock section like he's having trouble with? Care to explain that one a bit more?
  19. So glad Alonso didn't get it . I agree with Rowan that Vettel hasn't exactly been deserving of the title considering the way he's acted a few times this year. Would have preferred Webber (or of course Lewis) to get it but obviously that wasn't to be. Hopefully McLaren can get their acts together for next season and bring it to the Red Bulls. Edit: Typo? L and T are easy to mix up I find...
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