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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. TheCircus? In bandwagon news, I used to sponsor Tom the fat, ugly capuchin at Monkey World. Well, until he died. RIP Tom .
  2. Cheers for that. Might just do one of the eBay places then. The phone was so cheap I may as well pay £11 to unlock it.
  3. What size rear sprocket are you using? Crank length?
  4. Wasn't it Evolve where he rides up the driveway, up onto the grass, onto the roof of the garage then drops down onto the car and casually rides away?... Edit: Is it not dangerous having your front door exit onto the garage roof? How does your mum get the shopping back into the house?
  5. Nah, cars have squishy tires, suspension and slippy paint and slippy/smashy glass to contend with. Skips tend to be a bit rusty so grippy and don't move! I didn't know you were Ryan Leech. Learn something new every day.
  6. Yeah I don't think many providers will do it (especially immediately after buying the phone). But there are loads of places online who charge between £11 and £25 to apparently access the HTC database and get hold of the unlock code for you. But where do they get their access from?
  7. Sorry to dig this up again but I've just bought an HTC Wildfire (well, I say bought, it only cost me £9.97) but it's locked to Tesco. I'm tempted to give giffgaff a go but would need to unlock the phone first. Is it possible to get the unlock code without going through one of these dodgy online/ebay places? Would HTC direct be able to provide the number? Also, while I'm on the subject, has anyone had any experience of giffgaff? Only just come across it and it seems almost too good to be true... Any thoughts?!
  8. A couple of dead link in the 'Additional information' for the Hope Pro 2 page. Really like the new site though- very slick .
  9. Not sure to be honest. They seem really solid and really stiff. The only real downside is the bash size which I'm not overly fussed about to be honest. I also quite like the idea of having some 'proper' mountainbike bits on there- quite a novelty these days! Might change them eventually and put the Truvativs on my woods playbike but no real need to change for now.
  10. Disappointed at the lack of wedge bodge clampless seat fixing! More details on the tensioner as well please! Looks like half a Trialtech tensioner at first glance... Love the all black, clean stealth look- that's full of win!
  11. I reckon it's got a reasonable chance for a while yet... I like the colour and it is a very good finish. Can't believe it's taken me ~12 years to get a Hope rear hub, even though I loved the sound in Chainspotting back in '97!!
  12. New ride has landed . Not actually had a chance to ride it yet but really please with the detailing of everything. Poor pictures I know but it's the best I can do for now! Edit: Updated pics. Spot the difference .
  13. Eno's are fully servicable so you may as well open it up and see what the problem is first. Sounds like you might have a broken spring or damaged bearing or something. All replacement parts are available though so investigate first.
  14. Those two tend ot to be spoken in the same sentence in my world...
  15. My guess is the veterinarian, who spent six years learning to do what he does, has a better idea about your birds sick dog than anyone on here. Just a guess. What was his suggestion for a remedy? Try to get it to drink lots of water?
  16. But then why bother distributing products to anyone else in the UK if you're then going to undercut the retailers you've sold to?
  17. Out of interest, when something like that happens where do you stand with the likes of price matches? Are you able to go below the RRP to match another retailers price?
  18. Colourblind? They're yellow and always have been
  19. What about Danny Mac? I reckon I could sit through Way Back Home even if he did do Ali G 'West Side' spackhands after some of the whoppers...
  20. There are a few possible solutions to your problem. First would be to run the tensioners on the outside of the frame. You may need to add spacers/washers inside of the dropouts to take out the 'slack' and reduce any stress on the frame. Other alternatives would be to use screws with smaller diameter heads or otherwise have (probably slightly longer) screws coming from the outside of the frame in, so that the tensioners contact on the threaded part of the screw rather than the head. I hope that makes sense!
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