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Everything posted by monkeyseemonkeydo

  1. Ah, sorry- didn't realise the geometry had been tweaked slightly. I thought the updated geometry was only on the 2011 frames.
  2. Fourplay has 4 bolt mounts, Element has V-mounts. Only other difference I'm aware of is with the shifter cable guides. Fourplay has them, Element doesn't.
  3. Hehe, fair enough! May have to invest one lazy day and catch up on all the trials and supermoto stuff. Never come across it before.
  4. Is the centre of those freewheels alloy?
  5. I get that but surely by accepting 'it' as existing you're feeding the illness rather than combating it?
  6. Umm... I can read just fine mate. This isn't helping anyone though, I stand by my comments that naming your delusions (for want of a better/correct word) and accepting them is not healthy.
  7. That's not how I read it- I thought you were still smoking to take the edge off things and try to 'control yourself'. I thought that last post was actually fairly constructive... Meh.
  8. It really doesn't sound like you're all that sure that it's not real. I strongly agree with whoever it was that said it's a bad idea to personify the problem. By giving it a name, a personality and believing anything it says it can only be strengthening the problem. I'm clearly no expert in this but it seems reasonable that to believe in things that are not there is to accept it as existing. I'm sure it's not as easy as that but it'd got to be a start. And stop doing 'shrooms and smoking weed maybe...
  9. Ah, ok- didn't realise that! Sorry RiderRace!
  10. Pmded. The ID is 12mm though but I thought the Echo hubs had 12mm axles which were machined down to 10mm at the dropouts...
  11. That's what I think it is and it's one of those tensioners I have in the garage.
  12. Failing that I have a spare one in the garage from when I did exactly that.
  13. It looks kinda like one of the fixed '07's with the 'integrated' tensioner, after the tensioner's been removed and replaced with a plain spacer.
  14. Does it look like this Or does it look like that ? They're quite different... Or am I missing the question?
  15. Just for info it's the centre hole and one screw (which threads into a boss on the crank arm) which is usually around M8 (or silly imperial alternative for US cranks) in size.
  16. Benji's a tap dancing mutant boy isn't he?
  17. Is there a link there? Don't know how much you smoke/d Dave but Frank's always saying there's a link...
  18. I miss Elastomania- I made a Dougie Lampkin skin for it back in the day when he was on a Radson Montesa... ah, those were the days!
  19. I don't really get why people don't install acres of tracking solar panels in places like death valley, deserts and Africa, Australia to produce craploads of power for 'free'. Saying that I'm still a firm believer that Nuclear is one of the major ways forward and also Hydrogen also has a major role to play in the future.
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